As always, he was Walken. Totally took me out of the movie. He gives Malkovich a run for his money as best self-parody. Had no idea who he and Pugh were supposed to be other than their emperor of the universe titles.
Overall the movie felt slow, self-important and more like a style exercise than great storytelling - eternally bogged down in am-I-the-chosen-one boredom l(ike the SW PT) with poor Javier Bardem like John Hurt's Oxley from Indy 4 (crazy homeless believer) and if there was a single moment of humor/levity in that near-three hours, I indeed missed it. Villeneuve and Nolan really should have done that standup class 25 years ago.
Just muddled - the ending with baldy Elvis-the-knife being a case in point (he's just standing in the background, having gone with his uncle, suddenly he's fighting for the emporer he's never met?), following the most anticlimactic final battle I've seen in a while, where the underdogs suddenly seem to become the favorites five minutes later. And the Zendaya moment at the very end is just plain silly/confected (no spoliers, but no way she would have believed what Timothy says to Walken re Pugh excpt as an expedient bluff.)
Visually stunning even if the blown-out, desaturated look was waaay overused, like five hours of "300" in one sitting, and it almost wasted some of the stellar locations and FX. Some really well done sequences but overall this was Avatar Desert Edition to me, with a man-juice sacred well standing in for the tree o' life or whatever that Jim Cameron jungle hokum was. And poor Dave Bautista - it was like Villeneuve decided they had to clear the villain decks for Elvis so poor ol Dave had to be turned from badass to total wuss.
Missed the Spice Navigator that Lynch did so well, and did kinda feel like Baron Harkonnen was a bit more fun in Lynch's version. You can see why they chose Lynch way back when - when your hero is teamed up with his pregnant mother who's in active conversation with her unborn foetus, people are telepathically whispering and you got a morbidly obese pustule as your villain, Lynch is your man.
And yes I do bring up Lynch due to Villeneuve's fun homage to DL, ants and all.
This seems to go against everything I have read...
Can it be true?
Is it the spice?