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This thread has mostly been great fun from the start, Arnie stuff is the bestest. Too many threads I stay away cos there chockful of nerd rage and johnny know it alls :lol Can we petition SS or something for an original pred pf.naowww.
Yeah I agree, I only really post in threads of figs I have PO'd.

I have had a great time ITT though. I am hoping that when SS announce a 1/4 PF 87' Pred we will all catch up and start again in there lol.
Yep, it will start all over again in a 1/4 Pred thread. I feel it is necessary to post this tune as the credits roll on this thread. I love all you guys *sniff sniff, 'Yo Irvy! We did iiiiiiit!'

Dutch arrived.
Regular head is good. Passes my personal QC test.

Exclusive head is so good it looks like its been repainted by one of the talented members here. Easily the best PF head I've personally seen. Maybe they sent me a prototype or artist proof by mistake :D

Either way, no googly eyes so I'm very happy.
Dutch arrived.
Regular head is good. Passes my personal QC test.

Exclusive head is so good it looks like its been repainted by one of the talented members here. Easily the best PF head I've personally seen. Maybe they sent me a prototype or artist proof by mistake :D

Either way, no googly eyes so I'm very happy.

pictures men!!! Please.






yeah, I'm not saying the maquette isn't the **** because it is, he is just a bit big for Dutch, he should be head and shoulders above Dutch but if they stood up straight in that last pic Dutch would be looking at the pred's belly button almost.
He arrived damaged sithlord?
Looks good from here. What issues did he have?

Cigar was broken off, and the end of the gun barrel was bent.

I tried the hairdryer trick on the gun and it worked a treat. Shouldn't have to be doing DIY on these things though for the price they cost us.