Premium Format Dutch

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Re: Dutch PF

It's been Tuesday for AGES where I am, why don't you catch up Sideshow/America?

Ha ha so you're going to die 1st when Dec 21th 2012 comes...:wave

Right I can't wait for Tomorrow afternoon.:impatient:Find out what's the Ex going to be.
Re: Dutch PF

if the exclusive rocks i will order from sideshow and use all my reward points :rock
Re: Dutch PF

I'm gone for a few days and come back to this news awesome!!! :clap:clap:clap Today is the day of the big reveal perfect timing!!!

:lecture And yes this is the best Arnie out there if SSC can keep it right!!

Billy is > than Blain any day of the week! :thwak

Almost a definite PO! I will have to see though, funds will be tight due to the birth of my new son.
Re: Dutch PF

Billy is > than Blain any day of the week! :thwak

You're right (the character) Billy is > Blaine

...but when Old Painless is being discharged it's a bigger attraction then both of them. So when Blaine is firing Old Painless & Blaine > Billy