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Canceled! Not paying more for less, not taking time to take pics and email them, not waiting for months for replacement, not spending 350 to b let down. Just not this time.

But you are giving Sideshow $35 free money for their mistake.
I wouldn't cancel it and lose my $35 NRD.

If the eyes are bad I'd just ask for a replacement and if they can't send me the head with proper eyes I would ask for a full refund including shipping cost and my NRD of course and they would send me a prepaid shipping label to return the defective product. They would not get a dime from me.

and what about your fedexbill ? you won't get a refund for it
Aren't they supposed to be rolling out that new translucent skin painting soon or is that just for the legendary figures?
I'm gonna chance it and see how it looks in hand. I can't cancel an order based on one guys badly lit pictures. Still I admire your initiative to cancel right away. If more people did that Sideshow would be forced to raise the bar on their quality control standards.

:exactly: i m also getting him
I wouldn't cancel it and lose my $35 NRD.

If the eyes are bad I'd just ask for a replacement and if they can't send me the head with proper eyes I would ask for a full refund including shipping cost and my NRD of course and they would send me a prepaid shipping label to return the defective product. They would not get a dime from me.

..........:lecture:exactly::goodpost: :clap

I will do the same .... I hope we will see better Dutch
If the statue was positioned straight on (not looking towards his left), i don't think we would be having this "eye business" conversation.
Does anyone know - When a product is returned, do we get a full refund, including the NRD?

Yes, the deposit will be reimbursed as well. International customers even get their custom taxes refunded (Sideshow sends a refund application to the courier (e.g. Fedex), and the refund will be claimed through them).
This was my first journey into PF territory and it looks like it'll be my last.

What I don't understand is how they can get such quality on a 1/6 scale (Christopher Reeve, Jack Sparrow) but some how make a bigger version look like a rubbish statue.

They get the head sculpts right but completely make an arse of the paint. Same with the Luke Skywalker PF. Looks like utter balls.

I just keep thinking of what I can buy for $400 and's a LOT of stuff. 2 1/6 pieces for a start.

Hoping this is a "only good in hand" figure. Which admittedly , a lot of them are.

Ah, Hot Toys doesn't paint Sideshow's statues...
Yes, the deposit will be reimbursed as well. International customers even get their custom taxes refunded (Sideshow sends a refund application to the courier (e.g. Fedex), and the refund will be claimed through them).

Good to know, thanks!

Any new pics today of Dutch?
Some better options they could have went with for the ex head
This one's the best. I wanted this to be the Ex!! :yess:

:lol :lol

And to the ones who can't see the googly eyes, it's pretty simple: cover one of the eyes with your thumb. Then do the same to the other eye. It'll be more obvious that they are looking in different directions.
And to the ones who can't see the googly eyes, it's pretty simple: it's time for a visit to the optician!

dont just give up like that .......hope we will see better pics ....i was very excited for Dutch PF its day 1 order for me so hope eyes problem will be not on all Dutch PF
You still got hope for this? After all the wait?

I'm gonna chance it and see how it looks in hand. I can't cancel an order based on one guys badly lit pictures. Still I admire your initiative to cancel right away. If more people did that Sideshow would be forced to raise the bar on their quality control standards.
Mass Cancellation/Return? I'm in :hi5: :nana:

Yeah, the flash washes it out completely, but still... what the **** is so hard about painting eyes that look in the same direction!?! Mother****er!!!
Thanks Barb! :clap

If the statue was positioned straight on (not looking towards his left), i don't think we would be having this "eye business" conversation.
They'd still screw him up.

No new pics yet...i was looking forward to adding this to my SS Arnold collection ( T1,T2 & Conan). Tomorrow is judgment day of whether or not i cancel my preorder.
This and the 87 Pred statue are going to be what makes me stop buying SS, methinks.

Wasted NRDs, wasted energy. Talk about going downhill...
This and the 87 Pred statue are going to be what makes me stop buying SS, methinks.

Wasted NRDs, wasted energy. Talk about going downhill...

What's wrong with the 87 Predator? Are you talking about the one due out any day now?