I sincerely hope what goes around doesn't come around. I really do fellows.
Best of luck, I actually expected a lot more from experienced members such as yourself, who have witnessed the entire dx/comedian/mars attacks/sarah Connery/ed209/Rambo experience. You are sounding exactly like the posts you _____ed about on the dx02 threads.
Yup I was eating buttery toast whist handling my two DX09 sets. Jesus. Over and out guys..
Out of here.
Honestly, I was not trying to start anything, and for the record I never said your name in that post. I would like follow-up posts from
anyone who has the oil problem.
FYI, I don't think anyone here is saying that the residue on your figure is butter or fake or that you're full of ____. Nobody said that, nor implied it. The only person that hasn't been level headed here is TheMayor.
Indeed. The Mayor aside, Rory's pics speak for themselves, and I have no doubt the pictures he posted are real.
All I would expect is a mutual sense of respect and understanding that other collectors are dealing with something that you may not be at the moment. I at no point took any panic mode about the set overall. I love these figures.
To say one has heard enough of the problem, because they personally haven't (yet) experienced it is both small minded and insulting to the intelligence/experience of fellow collectors.
Best of luck.
Who said they 'heard enough'? My point is I want to hear
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I think you're being a little over-sensitive. It's pretty apparent your figure has a problem and I'm sorry that it does, but I believe we all want to see how widespread the problem will be with this figure as well. It's too early to tell if this is going to be another DX-02, or if it will be a problem for a select few unlucky collectors.
That being said, I, for one, appreciate your documenting the problem you've had with yours and I'm sure others do as well. It's kept me informed on what to look out for when mine arrives.
Rory started this dialogue and that's a good thing.
I was responding to Maglor's rather surprising post.
In which he basically says he has heard enough until it has been substantiated to his satisifaction. Best of luck with that.
I mean what the hell, either we have a trusting well versed community here or we don't.
And now seriously I'm leaving the leaking DX09 thread ( it does ).
The DX02 thread was full of posts with people posting pics of the oil reappearing, and everybody would say how often they were having to wipe the residue off of the figure. That's all I'm asking for here.
Could you just address that? I mean, when I discovered the problem with the glue on mine (actually you spotted it first) I kept on posting about it until I resolved the problem. I haven't commented on it lately because there is no longer any residue on my figure at this time. If oil does show up though you can be sure I will document it here. As the one who started this thread, don't you feel moved to do the same?
I never said I needed your initial post 'substantiated to my satisfaction'. I don't mean to imply that you are being deceptive.
Here's my post again. This time with diferent emphasis (but the same words):
I'm pretty much with DiFabio on this one.
I don't doubt there are members that have had some sort of oily residue on their figures, but I think we need to hear more. I would like more photographic evidence. I think those with oil need to speak up more about whether the oil comes back after wiping it off, how often they wipe it, etc.
Is it possible that we will see pics of hideously melted abdomens like there was with the DX02? Yes, of course it is, but it seems a little presumptuous to assume it will be that bad or as wide-spread.
Although, Hot Toys has a record of taking short-cuts (in addition to other questionable business practices) I would be surprised if they took a step back from where they were at with the DCD batch of the DX02. As has been said, even that batch leaked to some extent, but it was greatly improved. In my case, I had a little darkening of the bi-cep armor and that's it. To go from that, back to a deteriorating melted mess seems very unlikely to me.
Do you understand where I'm coming from at all? I didn't say your name. I didn't call you a liar. Just give us an update. That's all I'm asking for.
And again, that applies to
anyone who's experienced the problem. As a community, lets keep each other informed.