Two voices of sanity- c'mon it's TERMINATOR- something I thought was OVER with HT until EB made them wake up![]()
dx 11----blade
dx 12----godfather
dx 13----300
dx 14----batman 02 release
and on on on on---------------------------
Two voices of sanity- c'mon it's TERMINATOR- something I thought was OVER with HT until EB made them wake up...
Cannoli (the message I have entered is not too short).
I feel the same. As an individual release I sure have criticisms (which I'll go into later) but my overall feeling is one of positivity that Terminator is back at HT.
Yes. And couple months later after that they will announce MMS DX10 (2.0) with Jack Black father figure included:
... But with little-to-none updates to the actual T-800 figure.
Sad that a DX version of Terminator isn't PSO/BD T800 as it should be.
Sad that a DX version of Terminator isn't as good as this,
Okay, I've been looking at the figure objectively, just the figure, no past releases milking, competition with ENTERBAY, rehashing etc ...
My thoughts are that it does look pretty damn good, the face is good although in my opinion looks to be sagging like he's having a stroke around the mouth, cheeks and jaw.
The accessories and outfit all look great except for the rubber bandolier, which should be fabric and the grenades need to be bigger.
The base is pitiful and the PERS is okay.
In summary:
If i didn't have the original i would likely get this but it needs work and more to it to make it worthy of the name DX and the price![]()
Very poor likeness coming from Yulli. Reminds me of Matt Dillon.
It was sculpted bu Yulli, but directed by J.C Hong, so she has to do what J.C Hong tells her to fix. I mean J.C HONG! lol.
I'm sure they'll tweak it but holy hell, what's the point of this release?![]()
Reminds me of NOT ARNOLD.
It was sculpted by Yulli, but directed by J.C Hong, so she has to do what J.C Hong tells her to fix. I mean J.C HONG! lol.