the same one, huh? Amazing....really amazing
I can see future DX's being more of the same thing. They got people into the DX with iconic characters and some awesome figures; they probs feel now that they can do a half hearted job on their DX's and at the same time charge the extra money on top due to it being a 'DX'.
I don't want them half-a$$ing the BD figure. If they included a single BD headsculpt with this and nothing else I'd be p!$$ed off. A true BD T-800 requires a lot more than that. Its really best to keep it as a seperate figure. The only annoyance is that most of us didn't need this one, we'd kitbashed it already with COOmodels parts and we felt pretty much sorted for this look.
A better base on this would have most probs made everyone feel better about it. Cool bases are a must now and are vital for a DX (IMO).And With a DX people expect a diorama base
Nail on the head they think they can make half of what a figure should be, charge more and everyone will buy it, this thread proves they are wrong.
but wouldn't a partly BD sculpt like this have been appropriate for this release??
but wouldn't a partly BD sculpt like this have been appropriate for this release??
For the Dx base they could've done the window frame.
I think the _____ing is a bit much. No, it isn't what many of you wanted, but it also isn't aimed at you, and no one is forcing you to buy it. IMO its an upgrade over the last version, and a bit overpriced, but I may pick it up based on reviews (I missed the MMS).
I do prefer the new headscult based on the picks shown here - the MMS looks a touch more cartoonish IMO- but I agree that PERS is pointless here. Better to cut the PERS and add more accessories.
Now, putting PERS in a T-1000 DX....
I really hope this new body allows for the shotgun on shoulder poseA "new" upper body for better posing. Sweet........
I really hope this new body allows for the shotgun on shoulder pose
*smacks a-dev in need of a new avatar*