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Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics


Someone should totally edit these lines into various Predator clips, it'd be hilarious.
its a shame probably only 3-4 of us would get it
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

And still I wait for OSB to start shipping this, bet I'm in the second batch as well :(
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

Here is my humble attempt to capture the essence of this incredible figure.

The port cover


The shock-temping assembly


"Pull the CPU by its base tab and pull."




"Uncle Bob?"





"That's a damn min-gun!"


Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

I don't think the Plasma-caster would be quite that effective against the endoskeleton - again it only gave Dutch a fleshwound.
it changed its power throughout the whole movie. from hitting Poncho into the hair without even burning the hair to crushing a thick log. (i don't give Blaine as an example because the physics of his chest wound was more complicated than people usually think).
a middle-powerful plasma shot hit Dutch's rifle into a metal part and tore it into two pieces. "middle-powered" because it didn't hit anything around.
so... if falling from a bike (t1) or truck (t2) breaks skeleton's thin parts, the plasma cannon at its full power (which is yet unknown) can at least do the same. only if it hits directly into his chest or head - seemingly the most solid pieces - i won't bet on cannon because after all no energy blast can go through a several centimeters metal plate.

on the other hand a terminator will not be able to gun a predator down. their targeting system truly sucks in all movies, they never hit a moving target, and predators are guys who can move.

the third way - face to face fight - i think predator dies here. yes he can break trees, concrete and even metal grids (in p2 on subway stairs), but he sucks at pain enduring. one metal fist in his face or belly, and predator either runs for his life or becomes blind from anger.
on the opposite a terminator gives no **** on how he was struck and just continues his killing until his arms & legs are torn from his torso.

sorry for the offtop, but that theme is one of my favourites )
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

What if the T800 had his Phased Plasma Rifle In Da 40 Watt Range?

End of discussion > Dead Predator
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

i think whoever has Phased Plasma Rifle In Da 40 Watt Range > dead predator :D


that thing doesn't demand any targeting system )))
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

the third way - face to face fight - i think predator dies here. yes he can break trees, concrete and even metal grids (in p2 on subway stairs), but he sucks at pain enduring. one metal fist in his face or belly, and predator either runs for his life or becomes blind from anger.
on the opposite a terminator gives no **** on how he was struck and just continues his killing until his arms & legs are torn from his torso.
Predators in general are a lot Bigger than Humans (And therefor Terminators too). If the Predator was smart enough he could use his size and body weight to advantage in the fight like a Boxer. They are also alot more agile. I also think the fear/rage/pain from a predator would help it in fight not hinder it. We know how strong Predators are, i thnik they are more than able to rip off a Terminators arm/leg/head or bend/break them. And we know Predators dont mind dying in battle ;-)

I think they both have equal ability to kill each other

I dont think one is a better killer than the other. Just circumstances would change the outcome!

If it was a Predator with melee weapons, such as combi stick, smart disc and wrist Blades it would easily win. Their Alien metal would cut right through an endo

Predators also need to sleep and eat though. So a Terminator could wait it out for as long as possible until the Predator got slow and tired ect and then kill it

sorry for the semi-off topicness :(
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

And we know Predators dont mind dying in battle ;-)
i strongly disagree with this (the only thing).
predator 1 and predator 2 minded dying throughout both movies, loving themselves more than anything in the world, excluding kicking other's *****. while terminators, having no personalities, show no fear for themselves.
i know that latter subculture turned predators into noble kamikaze but i don't take that into consideration.
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

Well, obviously a Predator would really not want to die and they do want to self-preserve themselves. But at the same time, by the very nature of what they are and what they do is travel to different worlds and fight with their toughest prey. They remind me of Klingons "today is a good day to die " ! Also, every single Predator that goes on a hunt has the self-destruct wrist bomb. So they all know that its not going to be a walk in the park and if they die to remove any evidence they were there. If they wernt 100% comited to the hunt i dont think they would do it
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

Interesting topic, very good points made on both sides and it was meantioned that the predator may not be able to see a t-800 due to no heat sig, but I wonder if the t-800 would be able to see a cloked predator.

Etherway though hand to hand my money would be on the t-800, with weapons it could go ether way but its likely the predator would have the harder time truly killing(terminating) the t-800 do to its unstoppible nature.

As far as whos stronger I would also say the t-800 as it was able to stop a nucleur bunker door from shutting with one hand. One things for sure it would be a very intertaining battle to watch for sure!!!
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

Hmmm never thought about that…. as the T800 has blood pumping round wouldn’t he be warm?

Just swapped my mms head for the DX one, looks 100 times better:wink1:

Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

Hmmm never thought about that…. as the T800 has blood pumping round wouldn’t he be warm?

Just swapped my mms head for the DX one, looks 100 times better:wink1:


Awesome display:clap You have to show more pic's of the battle damaged terminator on the left, lots of pics please:wave
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

Thanks, he's not finished yet. The head is metal, not sure who makes it but you can find it on Ebay.


Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

Cool custom, I tried looking for the head on ebay with no luck, do you got a link by chance?
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

Thanks, never seen that before, really very cool. The only thing I don't like is the eyes, its kinda got fish eye. Other than that its supercool!!!
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

Thanks, he's not finished yet. The head is metal, not sure who makes it but you can find it on Ebay.



I'd laugh at it as it tried to terminate me. XD
Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

Well, obviously a Predator would really not want to die and they do want to self-preserve themselves. But at the same time, by the very nature of what they are and what they do is travel to different worlds and fight with their toughest prey. They remind me of Klingons "today is a good day to die " !

they don't fight prey. no one fights prey.
they hunt it.
seek, track, pursue, kill, collect, go home. taunt in the middle if the mood is proper (P2 teasing Harrigan with his friend's death, P1 pushing Dutch around the forest with his gun in the unfinished scene).
P1 was getting even with Dutch for spoiling the hunt and forcing him into contact.
P2 had fun luring Harrigan into fear, while always avoiding the contact itself.
nobody of those two was or wanted fighting. fighters are in AVP. we spoke about different species (one of them plagiarized from another).
what a nice idea and already cool realization of a torn terminator )

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