ECZamurai's custom fig's!

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Put a wire through my emperors rrobes si i can pose it a bit. All in all the worst 100$ figure ever. Bad headsculpt, bad tailoring. No pants. The wonkiest body ever. Only thing decent was the paint app IMO. For 100 bucks that is.
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One of the things I decided bothers me is the totally unglamorous sleeves of the emperors robes. They show NO definition at all and really, no matter how you pose the arms, you can't tell what he's doing, because you can't see his arms.. Sideshow's material really need more weight.

Anyway, to fix this I sewed the sleeves shut under his arms, to show definition and make him look even slimmer.




And a comparison, it's almost exactly the same pose, but you can see way more of the pose with the new sleeves, it still needs a little fune tuning, but it will look alot better and less puffy!

The top photo...............The ghost of Christmas spirit.
._. I lost my Medi Boba earpiece, the helmet fell on the floor and the earpiece fell of and RIGHT through a hole in between the wooden floor. -_________-

**** my life for adding a wire to Medi's cape, which looks damn good now but I paid for it dearly.
Perfect likeness! Looks real!


That's what I was going for! But IMO the biggest change in my custom is the robes. The stock robes are actually so poor my girlfriend got angry at me for buying this figure. SHE NEVER got angry before. Said it was such a poor piece of tailoring, which is too bad because the material is actually extremely accurate!
Never noticed the Emperor has a walnut for a forehead!

Have you posted side-by-side pics of the resculpt you did next to the regular head (should be pics online - maybe rebelscum)?