ECZamurai's custom fig's!

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Wow are those PERS you cannibalized?

No, they are far too big to be used for normal 1/6th eyes. I bought them from, they're handmade. I ordered a set to see how well they scaled on a 1/6th head, and didn't like it. However I did see potential for Yoda. Detail wise they are FAR superior to PERS eyes. They look ****ing real up close.

I kinda dig how it looks, the irises are slightly too big however, but I can live with it because they look so nice.




Will repaint it tomorrow and add hair soon!
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That is amazing. What a great idea. Super artistic too! What is the material you used to sculpt around the eyes?
That looks great. Interesting idea, I had never thought of doing this. Looking forward to seeing this come together. Well done so far.




I finished my custom sculpt. Dorgmal Snow will probably make casts of these if you guys are intested, gave him a better haircut, and a better profile. Don't mind the black ink on the upper pictures, had to make sure I had made the hair deep enough to allow dry brushing. :)
^ looks really good. I hope you get around to casting and selling copies of your Emperor. I really want that one.

I'll send my Emperor sculpt to Dorgmal, however keep in mind that my emperor is already painted and therefor a cast would lose detail. Plus you would have to paint it yourself, or get someone to paint it, because I simply don't have time and would not want you waiting 2 years for a headsculpt. I'm lazy like that. :p
I'll send my Emperor sculpt to Dorgmal, however keep in mind that my emperor is already painted and therefor a cast would lose detail. Plus you would have to paint it yourself, or get someone to paint it, because I simply don't have time and would not want you waiting 2 years for a headsculpt. I'm lazy like that. :p

that makes two of us. I really love how your emperor turned out please keep us updated
I will, anyone know if Dorgmal is still active on these boards? He's not responding to my PM's regarding casting the sculpts. Maybe he's on holidays. :)

He's been on holiday according to his Facebook.
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