Elvis1976 and Friends NYC Show January 10, 2015 - NEW DATE!

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New date is fine for me but further away Nooooo! Haha anyway excited to see Zuno's work there! Did he just get added!?

I didn't want to choose November or December. Too many family holidays during those 2 months. I figured January would be a safe month. Also, this will give us all time to work on my custom figures.

As per Zuno, we had been in talks about the show awhile back. He just recently told me he would be able to provide us with some of his amazing work.

I've just finished going through Dorgmal Snow's huge box containing his custom work and it is AWESOME!!! If you've only seen his work online, as most people have, since this will be his very first show, you're going to be in for one major surprise! Pictures do NOT do his work justice! Here's a sample of some of what you'll see on display this January.


I also finished your Darth nihilus about a month ago too...:)...I guess one day I should post my 1/6 customs...:)

Were all holding out breath. Seriously thow im sure u have the most on board for sure.
I have work, but I'm nearby so I definitely plan on swinging in to check this out even if it's only quickly. Too awesome to miss.