Statue Emma Frost LSB preview UP.

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It will be nice if SS make a new LSB line for pornstars!!!

I was hoping they would make PFs with removable clothing. :) Plastic Fantasy took digital scans of pornstars and made figures of them. I was hoping for something larger in scale, and realistically painted.
Did you say "that's it get the ____ out now!?" :lol :wink1:

Damn straight I did! That'll be the last time my GF's grandmother calls Cap Mr. America! :lecture ;) :lol

Then you have those characters like....Apocalypse, Magneto,, Galactus, Carnage, nameplates are very viable. For those folks that never picked up a comic would have a hard time knowning maybe even Dr. Doom, Sabretooth, Green Goblin, and so on. I really don't like nameplates as the EX. for other statues, but for bust it's a must. It's like going to the football HOF in Canton, OH. We as football fans know who we are looking at, but some need a little extra help in recognizing who they are look at. So, to me LSBs' and nameplates go hand in hand other statues, not so much.

I agree...nameplates for busts are good. For PF's no.
Same here my collection is behind 24 hrs./7 days a week closed doors, but I know that the wife has brought her friends over and wanted me to show them the room, as well as some family members. They don't have any idea what or who these characters are, but want me to explain. I don't explain, but better yet give them the Marvel Encyclopedia. Tell'em take a sit a look for yourself. Some have taken the time and read. While other have just took the easy way out by looking and moving on. Adults are alway weclomed in my room as even my mother-in-law likes my collection, but has no clue who some of these characters are. While I'll let my family members kids into the room to look as well, but they are well aware not to touch. But if they do touch and break something...good ol' Collector's Insurance saves the day...:D Other than that I don't have or invite friends over in the first place. That's just how I roll...:wink1:

So you have no friends?:monkey2:monkey2
I was hoping they would make PFs with removable clothing. :) Plastic Fantasy took digital scans of pornstars and made figures of them. I was hoping for something larger in scale, and realistically painted.

It is the sharpest idea I have ever heard of .....
LOL...I'm sure a few of you will spank it looking at this piece...easy pass for me...looks good nonetheless
I don't let people near the collection. the statues are in a whole different part of the house


At first I thought the same thing others here had mentioned (those not in the know would think the bust is an ode to a hooker). But realistically these same people that no nothing of the character would think the same of th AH Emma and Black Queen on my shelves. So in the end my decision to purchase this or any piece will not depend on what others may think of the piece. That's just me. I understand how some may feel the piece does not represent "marvel" to a specific extent.

Great LSB. Easy pass for me. She looks like the bust of a girl with cleavage; not a superheroine. Gotta draw a line somewhere on what I collect :monkey3


I've been reading up on all the posts so far since this preview and thread went up. I die a little inside every time that I read a negative comment about my Emma (sorry to single you out, worstgamer, you just happen to be the most recent). I love Emma Frost so much that I actually looked forward to getting the PF when it came out. Yes, just like everyone else, I don't like the face. Love the character too much to care. One more time for posterity: I can't wait for this LSB!!!!
:pfft: :lol :peace

I've been reading up on all the posts so far since this preview and thread went up. I die a little inside every time that I read a negative comment about my Emma (sorry to single you out, worstgamer, you just happen to be the most recent). I love Emma Frost so much that I actually looked forward to getting the PF when it came out. Yes, just like everyone else, I don't like the face. Love the character too much to care. One more time for posterity: I can't wait for this LSB!!!!
:pfft: :lol :peace

Actually, she looks exceptional. I'd be honest with you; I LOVE the piece. Maybe it's just sore grapes cuz I know I don't collect LSBs??? Either way, if you are an Emma fan I think this might just be the best Emma Frost collectable out there.

When it gets "out there". That is. :monkey3

Congrats in advance; it's a great piece!
I think this really needs the white fur trim around her shoulders to make it look like the White Queen. It would really help it a lot.
It would also add a lot to the piece if her nameplate looked like it was carved out of ice.
Worstgamer, that's cool. Glad that you really do like it. I'm sure you could tell, but I was using heavy doses of sarcasm anyway.

Blackthornone, hey that would be awesome if it did have the fur even if it were just sculpted. I'd prefer it as real material, but then they'd have to create a new format: LSBPF :lol
Don't collect busts so this will be a pass for me. However, she looks EXQUISITE! Congrats to any of you that are picking up this bust. She will look crazy good in your collection.
I am so excited for this bust! I have never collected the busts til Black Cat came out last year... and she has become one of my personal favorites...
I love how her face looks "softer" for once, rather than going for her usual seductress look. (dont get me wrong, thats half the reason i love her, but a change can be good from time to time....) Cant wait to see the whole preview!!!!
I hear ya, Chrono! It's been far to long for us to wait for Jean.

But I have faith that SSC will give us a Jean Grey PF so awesome that we'll be shedding tears of joy!

You hear that SS? I want TEARS OF JOY!! NOW!!

:lol :rotfl:lol

I just don't understand why some characters can have something in every line, but other equally viable characters have barely even been touched. :slap:slap:impatient:

Never really liked Emma Frost, to be honest. This is an easy pass for me.

If this had been a Jean Grey LSB, however.... :drool

Same here.:lecture JEAN~!!!