Emma Frost PF

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I think it might be sculpted to look like pleathery vinyl...


Mike, I don't think there is a vinyl/pleather type fabric than can wrap itself to every contour of the body the way that photo shows...

That isn't real stitching on the side there. Way too small to be real. The little flaps at the bottom certainly do look real though... If this isn't sculpted, then they should patent this fabric, lol


I hate quoting huge oversized pics - but I must be misunderstanding you - are you suggesting this is sculpted and not a costume over polystone? It's very obvious that this is a shiny material with real stitching. It doesn't look like sculpted in any way. That's what I like about PFs, the realistic look of a costume with real folds and stitching that make it look like a person in a costume.

I will reiterate that we will not tolerate destructive criticism here - if you can't express your feelings without resulting to poo-flinging - please resist from posting about it.

Just like everyone else in an artistic endeavor - SSC gets tired of doing the same thing over and over again and like to change things up every now and then. If they didn't take some chances then they wouldn't be as long-lived and as popular as they've become. Even if this piece isn't your cup of arsenic, there are obviously people who love it (or see what the AH! Emma is going for and are naively hoping for a repeat).

At any rate - I salute SSC for going out on a limb. I hope they're Bugs Bunny and the limb remains floating when the Coyote cuts the tree away.

I doubt it. Not only is the style and face on this item horribly executed, but the exclusive is another poorly thought idea. I'm sure most will want to display this without the stupid looking visor anyway. The "creative" team who did this statue is the same team that did the X23 comiquette, and that one had a useless exclusive as well. Heck, they should have just done the change of head diamond version (ala Sue Storm in the FF Diorama) and that would be better looking than the portrait of this item.

No matter. Got one on order just in case. I'll dump it if it turns out to be worth nothing. No loss.
From this angle, this has all the makings of a homerun PF.


I so want a good Emma PF, I'm actually considering commissioning someone who can do a decent face sculpt to replace the head of this piece (that is if Sideshow doesn't make a major change to the portrait, which is very likely).
Any one thinking the sculpt is gonna change between now and shipping needs to get past it. Its not gonna change.
From this angle, this has all the makings of a homerun PF.

I so want a good Emma PF, I'm actually considering commissioning someone who can do a decent face sculpt to replace the head of this piece (that is if Sideshow doesn't make a major change to the portrait, which is very likely).

i can certainly see were you're coming from with that pic. it's the front face view that kills it.
i wonder would a person just remove the head, so it could be resculpted, or just get a totally new one to replace this one??
i can certainly see were you're coming from with that pic. it's the front face view that kills it.
i wonder would a person just remove the head, so it could be resculpted, or just get a totally new one to replace this one??

No, a realistic portrait on this body would look out of place and be just a Frankenstein of mismatched styles. The body is just as animated looking as the head.
i can certainly see were you're coming from with that pic. it's the front face view that kills it.
i wonder would a person just remove the head, so it could be resculpted, or just get a totally new one to replace this one??

It might just be easier to sculpt a new one. Heck, there's been a lot of good female portraits to copy from (Moore, Bowen statues) that it shouldn't be too hard (hopefully).

Then again, we really shouldn't even be contemplating such a thing if Sideshow only came out with a decent portrait.
No, a realistic portrait on this body would look out of place and be just a Frankenstein of mismatched styles. The body is just as animated looking as the head.

yeah i have to agree, as i posted earlier. i didn't think it was just her face, but also her waist, hands etc lookes somewhat anime also.
No, a realistic portrait on this body would look out of place and be just a Frankenstein of mismatched styles. The body is just as animated looking as the head.

I disagree with that. The pose itself and the proportions are very good, and fits in well with her astonishing X-men look. It's really the face that's making her look too cartoony, but a decent enough face will certainly change the overall look of this item.
Love the body sculpt, hate the face paint app, especially the lipstick. I can deal with it though. Gonna have to peep it at SDCC before I go full retard ZOMG DATS TEH SUX on it.

Mark Brooks version would have been nice...

See for me, it's more than that. I really like X-23's face. So it being cartoony is not the only prob.

When I think of Emma I think of one of the hottest mutants in the X universe.

When I look at this statue, I don't see Emma at all.

The face on this statue just isn't Emma.

It is a prototype, but what most people are objecting to is the style. And that's not going to change.

I was disappointed when they did Emma as a comicquette because I wanted a PF. But I'm afraid that this one isn't for me - everything I like about the PF line is the realistic look, they could be real miniature people. But that effect is completely undermined by the style of this piece. I'm sure many people will love it and it may be the first PF some buy because it's so very, very, very different from every PF that has come before. But I can certainly understand the profound and deeply felt disappointment and overwhelming sense of despair that this piece elicits.

When Dave agrees it ain't good from the Protos, then you know it ain't good. :lol

A voice of reason right there. If you were collecting the other "realistic" looking Marvel PF, you would expect new releases to be the same. None of the other PFs are of this style, and there's a reason for that. There's some very "misguided" people working at Sideshow right now to have decided to take this direction with this piece.

No, a realistic portrait on this body would look out of place and be just a Frankenstein of mismatched styles. The body is just as animated looking as the head.

Well, I wanted to chime in and add something, but when I read the last few pages, I realized everything I wanted to say has been said up top.

SS, change it please. Pose is spectacular, the cartoony head and upper half of the body have to go.

you know, she actually reminds me of her counterpart in Wolverine and the X-men.....maybe they're trying to capitalize on that...bring in new customers and what have you!...it ain't go unless Marvel say so..
The problem is that Campbell draws a lot with implied angles not hard angles. The hard lines that make up the nose throws off the face also its difficult to achieve the upturn and downturn that is on the nose in actual 3-D, the eyes are bit too narrow and slightly too close together. More of her face needs to be hidden by hair to look wider. Its fixable and keep the styling but I'm wondering with such a quick sell out if any objections will be even heard.