Emma Frost PF

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I can totally understand that people are upset at the fact it isn't following the realistic approach of the PF's. It might have been better suited as a Comiquette instead, but I still think SS succeeded based on the style they were trying to go for. It may not fit in exactly with other Marvel PF's, but I like diversity in my collection. I can definitely sympathize though.

Why not David Finch style ?


I ordered a regular, but I'm really on the fence about whether to keep it or not. While I like the sculpt for the most part, it is a little to cartoony for my tatses. My biggest complaint is not the face (although I have some reservations about it), but the fingers. Way, way to skinny IMO. Really easy to break, plus they look like white spiders. I'm keeping it for now, but we'll see.:(
Easy pass. Not a fan of the anime style. With a stylized piece like this, you need to have multiple statues of the same style in order to make it look like a collection. Otherwise it looks like a poor sculpting design when compared to the other PFs. So, I say, if you picked up X-23 you should be allll over this piece.
Easy pass. Not a fan of the anime style. With a stylized piece like this, you need to have multiple statues of the same style in order to make it look like a collection. Otherwise it looks like a poor sculpting design when compared to the other PFs. So, I say, if you picked up X-23 you should be allll over this piece.

Ordered that from Play.com this morning i think X-23 looks the nuts :rock
Ordered that from Play.com this morning i think X-23 looks the nuts :rock

Yeah I dont have much interest in this style, but the statues look great. I think the two Sideshow PFs in this style so far would look great together!
And just so you guys know, this sold out in like 3 hours so I don't think there will be any tweaks on her.
And just so you guys know, this sold out in like 3 hours so I don't think there will be any tweaks on her.

In the uk this went up about 2am i wasn't going to get up as i thought there would be some left when i get up for work at 6am so frigging glad i got up now or i'd have missed the Ex :lol
i think it looks good (as an animated representation of the character) but it doesn't match the previous marvel pfs imo. it's spot on to the source material but, to me, it seems like it should be an animated maquette rather than a pf statue...like the gentle giant animated pirates of the caribbean stuff.
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Yeah I dont have much interest in this style, but the statues look great. I think the two Sideshow PFs in this style so far would look great together!
Please do not tempt Sideshow! If they decide to do Cyclops as a companion piece to Emma in the cartoon look, I am going to be severely disappointed.
People keep saying "cartoony" it's J Scott Campbell style which is more animated but not cartoony. Either way if they do a Cyke in Campbell style he'll be rail thin with a huge chin and larger head because that also is his style.
And just so you guys know, this sold out in like 3 hours so I don't think there will be any tweaks on her.

i only ordered in the hope that something may change, if it dosent its an easy pass. sideshow serioulsy needs to scrap this idea and take another swing at it cause... it just sucks for a PF.
I ordered the regular for myself. I like the way it looks personally, my only gripe being maybe her mouth looks a little off. I just like how people say the statue is crap just cause they don't like the style it's done in. It's obviously based off a certain person's artwork and his take on the character, and just cause it's not your thing doesn't automatically make it a failure. Like I've said before, for me, when I think of statues based off comic books characters, I automatically expect a cartoonish approach. Too each their own though.

:lecture Well said and I completely agree.

J. Scott Campbell has a unique style that doesn't, Like Dave said, easily translate into 3D format.

The sculptor did a good job of recreating Campbell's art. IMO, the only problem I see is the paint application.