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I find it shocking that Moyes has not had 1 minute in the Premier League with United yet, and your already riding him like he has had many failed years. Football fans are fickle!!!!

Exactly why should I give him a chance?

He's won nothing and is already showing himself to be way out of his depth with his indecisive handling of the Rooney situation and his Wenger impersonations whenever he's asked about the lack of new signings.

Prior to joining Fergie had at least achieved something notable by temporarily breaking the stranglehold that Rangers and Celtic had on the Scottish league and he also won the Cup Winners Cup in 1983 by beating Real Madrid.

Aberdeen were then and still are today a tiny club with no money and a ground that's probably smaller than the car park at the Bernabeu but they beat Real in a European final with a squad that was all Scottish.

In many ways it was Fergie's greatest achievement.

Moyes hasn't even won a game at any of the grounds of the other top Premier League teams, let alone a trophy.

He is not good enough.

You seem be one of those fans that think Fergie should be exempt from any criticism.

Winning the league is one thing, as last season proved he could do that with any old rubbish.

This doesn't make up for the fact that he took them backwards in the Champions League because of his abject failure in rebuilding the midfield in the first couple of years after Ronaldo left.

Once Liverpool's 18 league titles was overtaken, more Champions League wins should have been the next target but Fergie's non-response to the first defeat by Barcelona proved beyond all doubt that either his powers were fading or the Glazers wouldn't release enough cash to allow him to make the necessary additions to the squad that he required.

Had that happened just a few years earlier, I would have put money on him making some high profile signings and bouncing back to win the rematch.

Instead Fergie did nothing and they got ripped to pieces again.

His last few CL campaigns saw the team get increasingly exposed and Moyes has ultimately inherited a squad that needs at least £200 million spending on it before it can realistically challenge again....if he can even keep them high enough to qualify after this season.
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The way all the Real players are all publicly talking about Bale is disgusting IMO, it's just non stop

I don't support Spurs but I would love it if they don't sell him or one of the oil rich teams like PSG, Man City come in & get him.

Corsair I more than understand your frustrations this transfer window but imagine how **** its been for us fellow Gooners. Every transfer window for the past 8 or 9 years have been a complete fail. This one has been the worst one yet IMO with the promise of buying & now were got less than a month to go & not one player has been bought just low ball offers & rejection


To rub it in were got Napoli coming up soon in a friendly where we get to see another failed transfer of Higuain playing against us
The way all the Real players are all publicly talking about Bale is disgusting IMO, it's just non stop

I don't support Spurs but I would love it if they don't sell him or one of the oil rich teams like PSG, Man City come in & get him.

Corsair I more than understand your frustrations this transfer window but imagine how **** its been for us fellow Gooners. Every transfer window for the past 8 or 9 years have been a complete fail. This one has been the worst one yet IMO with the promise of buying & now were got less than a month to go & not one player has been bought just low ball offers & rejection


To rub it in were got Napoli coming up soon in a friendly where we get to see another failed transfer of Higuain playing against us

I'd even laugh if Chelsea nicked Bale off Real....Jose would surely like to stick one over on them.

You guys have definitely had it worse, as yet United haven't started selling players and not replacing them....Rooney could be the first.
It's about supporting your team no matter what happens, whether they lost or won. That's a true fan of a football club in my opinion. There is no such thing as a plastic fan as anyone has the right to support whatever team they like no matter how much knowledge or information you know about the club. Ill admit that I don't know everything about United but I'm red enough to trust Ferguson decision of appointed Moyes and that he will do amazing things at United. Sure we don't have a WORLD CLASS SUPER AWESOME team but we are talking about a team that has gone through years of trouble and still came out in top. Moyes is sure to make decisions in time and "fans" like you should support him no matter what, if you're going to disagree all the time you might as well be a fan of another team.

What's football like in Australia. Is it watched much out there. I've actually got family in Oz but none of them are interested in football, there all girls come to of think it except for 3 so they don't really say much when I ask them. Last time I was out there I do remember seeing kids playing football quiet a lot though, which surprised me.
It's about supporting your team no matter what happens, whether they lost or won. That's a true fan of a football club in my opinion. There is no such thing as a plastic fan as anyone has the right to support whatever team they like no matter how much knowledge or information you know about the club. Ill admit that I don't know everything about United but I'm red enough to trust Ferguson decision of appointed Moyes and that he will do amazing things at United. Sure we don't have a WORLD CLASS SUPER AWESOME team but we are talking about a team that has gone through years of trouble and still came out in top. Moyes is sure to make decisions in time and "fans" like you should support him no matter what, if you're going to disagree all the time you might as well be a fan of another team.

As I've said previously I've never been one to blindly agree with everything Fergie said or did.

I lost so much respect for him in the last few years after his negligence to fixing the midfield issues took them so far backwards in Europe.

United might have won the league by 11 points last season but that really doesn't tell the whole story.

They limped through so many games and at times the football they played was so dire I literally changed the channel or went and found something else to do.

Winning by playing attractive football was a trademark of Fergie's best teams but as the squad has declined they've become increasingly more workmanlike and there's very few players left that are exciting to watch, one of whom is nearly 40 and another can barely get a game ahead of Danny "Heskey 2.0" Welbeck.

The only reason they haven't already slipped out of the top 3 is due to the one thing Fergie still had left, his ability to motivate average players into believing they were something better.

Moyes can't even motivate a team to win at one of the "big" Premier League grounds let alone any kind of trophy.

That is NOT a record that is worthy of respect, let alone befitting of a United manager.

On top of that he's started his time as manager by continually lying about the quality of the squad and making the Rooney situation more public than it needed to be.

What's football like in Australia. Is it watched much out there. I've actually got family in Oz but none of them are interested in football, there all girls come to of think it except for 3 so they don't really say much when I ask them. Last time I was out there I do remember seeing kids playing football quiet a lot though, which surprised me.

Rugby is much more popular here in Australia and it is pretty much the dominant sport when the football season ends. But when the season starts again football becomes dominant. The league we have here is called the A League which is nothing but just downtown street football to me but with the arrival of Del Piero and Ono I guess it can only go higher. The United vs All Stars game I went to had 83,000 people watching the game so I guess it is pretty popular but it was the most quietest match I ever heard due to all the plastic fans not knowing a single player besides Giggs or Van Persie so I was the lone 15 year old who tried to lead the crowed but ended up embarrassing myself. The Liverpool game in Melbourne had a great turnout of I think it was about 90 000. The crowed there was much more passionate than the one in Sydney.

You just seem negative about United all the time I thought I'd say something but your right, it was probably Fergie or maybe it wasn't. Can't wait for new season.

My predictions
1. $helsea cause of the monster squad they have
2. $ity because of Pellegrini. They looked sharp in Milan so I guess they deserve a little respect..
3. United will put up a fight to retain title but will probably lose out cause of the lack of signings.
4. Tottenham (with bale if he repeats and exceeds the magic he did last season, if not in the relegation zone)
5. Arsenal is 5th cause I just have that feeling as a united fan :)
Yeah, I know a go on a bit, but it's out of frustration.

To some United fans last season's title win was enough to convince them that all was well with the squad and no major changes are needed.

But that's bollocks.

Look at how easily certain teams have taken them apart by exposing the crappy midfield in recent years....several European teams did it without breaking sweat, Chelsea and City have done it, Spurs did it last year and several other smaller teams have had them on the ropes as well.

The Champions League is THE competition for European club sides and seeing United go from regular finalists to also rans in such a short time was what soured my opinion of the club.

United love to promote themselves as one of the biggest, richest clubs in the world and bang on about how great their "brand" is but the reality is that the new money in football are leaving them behind.

Following Fergie was never going to be easy, but it would have been a hell of a lot easier for Moyes if he'd been supported with whatever funds that are required for a major overhaul....£100-£200 million would probably do it.

Instead it looks as if he's getting less to spend than he had at Everton and has been instructed to resort to Wenger-isms whenever he's asked about the lack of new signings.

Speaking of Wenger, he's at it again,
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I'm completely sick of AW & the board. I hope that stadium is less than half empty next season after they sign no one so them ****ers get stung the only place it hurts them, in there pocket. Anyone who pay's the highest price tickets to see such ordinary players are mugs. I've supported this team for years, loved em even when we were a million miles behind UTD & Liverpool during there era but we had ambition then. It's so depressing seeing how this club has declined over the past 8, 9 years.

I'd love to see fans take a stand like that instead of embarrassing themselves like the green & gold scarf brigade at Old Trafford.

I always had to laugh at that lot as they seemed oblivious to the fact that they were still putting money into the Glazers pockets by going to games :cuckoo:
AW says the money being talked about for Bale if the sale does happen makes FFPR look a joke. A 105mil for one player is mental though IMO & that's not even including his wages :cuckoo:

Newcastle are getting close to signing Gomis

Liverpool bid 20 mil for Costa

How I envy these teams who actually buy players :(
For once Wenger is not wrong, but as we see in other walks of life those with the money and power usually find a way around whatever rules the rest have to live by so there's not much that can be done :dunno

I envy the clubs that buy decent players :lol
I'm completely sick of AW & the board. I hope that stadium is less than half empty next season after they sign no one so them ****ers get stung the only place it hurts them, in there pocket. Anyone who pay's the highest price tickets to see such ordinary players are mugs. I've supported this team for years, loved em even when we were a million miles behind UTD & Liverpool during there era but we had ambition then. It's so depressing seeing how this club has declined over the past 8, 9 years.


AW is a C**T!!! He has been spouting this youth BS for years now! I am f__king sick of his stupid f__king philosophies!!!! He is completely senile and a stuborn t**t. The legacy he created, he has now totally undone in the last 8 years. I wish he would go!!!!
AW is a C**T!!! He has been spouting this youth BS for years now! I am f__king sick of his stupid f__king philosophies!!!! He is completely senile and a stuborn t**t. The legacy he created, he has now totally undone in the last 8 years. I wish he would go!!!!

Really? He's a ****? What short term memories some people have. I agree that we need to strengthen our club but calling the guy a **** is a bit childish I think.
Really? He's a ****? What short term memories some people have. I agree that we need to strengthen our club but calling the guy a **** is a bit childish I think.

Nope, it's not childish, it's frustration. I have listened to his BS for far too long now. I am sick of "this is the year the young hopefuls will come through" speech.

I think Arsenal have the money but that stubborn c**t won't spend it. He is seriously trying to prove a point to all the naysayers ( and valid naysayers they are).

No club of Arsenals stature would give a guy 8 years. I don't believe in sacking a manager when things don't go to plan, but 8 f__king years!!!!

You can call me all you like, but I have spent way more money at Arsenals turnstile than you have, so I feel I have a more justified argument/opinion than you.

Trust me, I remember the good times. I don't think that has to be replicated season after season for Wenger to be a success. I do however think 8 season without a single victory in any competition is a fail. His legacy that he created has all been undone.

He has placed far too much confidence in average players. They have let him down massively yet he doesn't learn from his mistakes.

It is time for Arsene to walk away.
Nope, it's not childish, it's frustration. I have listened to his BS for far too long now. I am sick of "this is the year the young hopefuls will come through" speech.

I think Arsenal have the money but that stubborn c**t won't spend it. He is seriously trying to prove a point to all the naysayers ( and valid naysayers they are).

No club of Arsenals stature would give a guy 8 years. I don't believe in sacking a manager when things don't go to plan, but 8 f__king years!!!!

You can call me all you like, but I have spent way more money at Arsenals turnstile than you have, so I feel I have a more justified argument/opinion than you.

Trust me, I remember the good times. I don't think that has to be replicated season after season for Wenger to be a success. I do however think 8 season without a single victory in any competition is a fail. His legacy that he created has all been undone.

He has placed far too much confidence in average players. They have let him down massively yet he doesn't learn from his mistakes.

It is time for Arsene to walk away.

Not sure if you've spent more mate. Me, my wife and 12 month old are red and silver members. That runs a good amount each year. We spent 2000 on the bricks outside the emirates stadium. We spend easily 700 bucks a year on kits and baby stuff.

I'm not a spoiled brat like many fans who think they deserve a trophy every year. I'd rather a club that has integrity than some plastic club like Chelsea and city who want to buy the trophy.

There are more important things in life than finishing first

And again, no arsenal fan I know, would call one of the best coaches we've had a ****. That shows a lack of class.

And I've never understood the theory that if you spend more money you're a better fan. Leave that to the playground argument. I'd like to think we're all adults here.
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It's one thing to have a rational discussion. It's another to call someone a ****.

Well in my opinion he has reduced himself to this. Believe me, I am not the only one that thinks this.

I hate plastic clubs like Chelsea and Man City. I would never want that for Arsenal! I do however want to compete.

He has been handed a war chest and what does he do? He brings in one youth on a free!!!!

The man is a joke, a laughing stock. He believes so much in his philosophies that he has become so deluded and stubborn that he is sinking the club. He needs to walk away before he damages the club further. He looks tired, and last season especially he seemed so agitated.

We will not finish in the top four this season if we don't strengthen in quite a few positions.

I think this is a huge slap in the face to the fans that have been paying the highest ticket prices. The fans need repaying!

There is no excitement down the gooners anymore. Just lots of disappointed, dejected fans.

I don't think fans are all equal. I think those that are spending lots of money at the turnstiles deserve answers above all others.

I can tell you now, s__t is going to hit the fan big time this season.

I can't believe AW and the board don't realise this.