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Not entirely sure how that will sort out between Friedel and Gomes. I'm sure we'll have a better indication on Monday.

Yeah, I really just want to sell Modric already. If it's a money thing and Chelski won't meet our evaluation than I understand but if we try to force him to stay after his head has been turned it's just going to get ugly. I say sell him, bring in Adebeyor on loan and Diarra... Sell off Wilson and Gio... What about Bentley? Can we even find a taker?

Oh, and I really want to keep Niko too... He saves our asses in a couple games last year.
4-0... This feels good... Old Trafford Monday should manage to curb my new found enthusiasm though. :lol

With no Ferdinand or Vidic & a goalkeeper that already looks dodgy I think it could be a closer game than usual.
With no Ferdinand or Vidic & a goalkeeper that already looks dodgy I think it could be a closer game than usual.

Will be closer if its fair for a change. The nani free kick, The palacios sending off, the carrick pen, the mendes 4 foot over the line.....
Just hope we target the keeper. Looks real shaky to me.
Will be closer if its fair for a change. The nani free kick, The palacios sending off, the carrick pen, the mendes 4 foot over the line.....
Just hope we target the keeper. Looks real shaky to me.

Even a team with United's fighting spirit can't always bounce back so if De Gea has one more dodgy game he should get the same treatment as Massimo Taibi....bye bye.

If Harry has any sense he'll instruct his forwards to take as many long range shots as possible and really batter him physically at corners.
Man Utd 3-0 Spuds

A close, open game until Danny Welbeck scored, then the Spuds got mashed :)

The attacking football was at times outstanding and the way the newcomers are fitting in is bad news for the rest of the League...the only real doubt remains over the goalie but even he was steadier tonight.

Bring on Arsenal!
Its funny i'm predicting City winning the league will feel hollow even for their own given the fact they're tring to buy their way to the title. Yeah we've spent big but sensibly and WITHIN our means. Those idiots will happily pay 20million plus on a player just to warm the bench.
Pretty disgraceful tbh.
Its funny i'm predicting City winning the league will feel hollow even for their own given the fact they're tring to buy their way to the title. Yeah we've spent big but sensibly and WITHIN our means. Those idiots will happily pay 20million plus on a player just to warm the bench.
Pretty disgraceful tbh.

Too many overpaid, fat egos in the City squad. They look great now but let's see how they play in the winter with their snoods on.:slap
Too many overpaid fat egos in the City squad. They look great now but let's see how they play in the winter with their snoods on.:slap

Their lack of proper team spirit will be why winning the league will remain a pipe dream....all their "names" are out for themselves first so the good of the team will be a secondary concern.

We've already seen examples of infighting at the club and I don't think Mancini has got the full respect of all his players.

With the CL adding to their number of fixtures the ability to successfully juggle the squad becomes even more important and it will be intresting to see how they cope with that.

For a club that can offer players so much money they certainly have trouble keeping players happy and their "revolving door" policy makes it almost impossible for them to form the kind of backbone any team looking for sustained success over more than a couple of seasons needs.

City may be good for one of the cups and get another top 4 place but I think it will be United or Chelski for the league.
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Defoe just doesn't have the quality we'd need up front to break a team like United. I think we looked pretty good for the most part but our passing was sloppy at times and we had no threat up front. Aside from that it was fairly typical of a United/Spurs game.