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He was really good for us. Very good ball retention and dictated play. Never scored enough tho but then neither do the likes of Pirlo or Xavi for there clubs.
Pretty good price tho so will see what Levy does. Left it late tho and could bite us on the arse.

The most important thing for Spurs is that they got Bale to sign that new contract. I'm an Arsenal supporter so I hate to say this but he is sheer class. I'm suprised a team like City never came in for him. Cities signing have been disappointing. Like Sinclair, yeah he's promising but he's just been bought to take Johnsons place on bench.
The most important thing for Spurs is that they got Bale to sign that new contract. I'm an Arsenal supporter so I hate to say this but he is sheer class. I'm suprised a team like City never came in for him. Cities signing have been disappointing. Like Sinclair, yeah he's promising but he's just been bought to take Johnsons place on bench.

Our best signing this summer. Was shocked he commited to be honest.
He has the world at his feet but wouldnt be supprised if he moved end of season. Contracts mean nothing nowadays.
Yea odd signings from city. Sinclaire is not in johnsons league imo and Rodwell is decent, but injury prone and not quite sure where he plays. Could be another Jenas :slap

How do you think you guys will do?
Dont think Modric is worth all that Madrid are paying for... they ruined ****'s career... The irony of getting into Madrid is, either join and leave a star or you join as a star and leave as a broken man...
Owen, ****, Robinho etc etc...

I wonder in whose place they will play Modric? **** is leaving but Khedira, Ozil, Alonso, Granero, Diarra... all of them are above average players...
Harry's an innocent man :lecture

Nothing wrong with having off shore money set up in your dogs name :lol:lol:lol

It really cemented his media image as a "loveable rogue". If they ever reboot "Only Fools & Horses" he should be a cert to play Del Boy and his son's definitely a plonker :lol

Intresting to read that Spurs have signed some sort of agreement with Real Madrid in addition to the sale of Modric. I guess that means they'll become a feeder club in much the same way United have over the years.
Dont think Modric is worth all that Madrid are paying for... they ruined ****'s career... The irony of getting into Madrid is, either join and leave a star or you join as a star and leave as a broken man...
Owen, ****, Robinho etc etc...

I wonder in whose place they will play Modric? **** is leaving but Khedira, Ozil, Alonso, Granero, Diarra... all of them are above average players...

Depends which way you look at it. In todays money where Henderson went for 20m, Carroll went for 35m, Rodwell for 15m, he is different league to those and under a long contract.
****'s face never fit once Mourihno went there. Weather he can dictate play like he did at us is another story tho.
No hard feelings tho. Didnt like it when he went on strike but he is to good for thursday night football in the Ukraine thats for sure.
It really cemented his media image as a "loveable rogue". If they ever reboot "Only Fools & Horses" he should be a cert to play Del Boy and his son's definitely a plonker :lol

Intresting to read that Spurs have signed some sort of agreement with Real Madrid in addition to the sale of Modric. I guess that means they'll become a feeder club in much the same way United have over the years.

Yeah iv heard there are loyalties involved when we play them in friendlys.... or something like that.
Probably tapping up Walker lol
Our best signing this summer. Was shocked he commited to be honest.
He has the world at his feet but wouldnt be supprised if he moved end of season. Contracts mean nothing nowadays.
Yea odd signings from city. Sinclaire is not in johnsons league imo and Rodwell is decent, but injury prone and not quite sure where he plays. Could be another Jenas :slap

How do you think you guys will do?

I'm not sure Cazorla looks like a really good buy but I'm not sure on Giroud, early days but he looks very ordinary to me. One thing for sure is he's no RVP. Poldoski is a good player but I can't see him scoring enough goals either. Arsenal as always have been getting 70% of the possesion but are creating very little with it, they just look toothless up front. Defensively we look much better but its when we play the big guns I can see us really struggerling. Maybe 4th if were lucky but they'll need to sign a proven striker but Spurs, Newcastle, Everton and maybe Liverpool will all be seeing 4th spot is there for the taking this season. It's going to be tight but 4th is the best us Arsenal supporters can hope for and another season without a trophy.
Hmm those added perks deal with Real can be bad news for Spurs, I dont see how they can benefit... whatever it is, I hope Bale doesnt end up in the Real squad soon... these added unknown clauses you can never trust
I'm not sure Cazorla looks like a really good buy but I'm not sure on Giroud, early days but he looks very ordinary to me. One thing for sure is he's no RVP. Poldoski is a good player but I can't see him scoring enough goals either. Arsenal as always have been getting 70% of the possesion but are creating very little with it, they just look toothless up front. Defensively we look much better but its when we play the big guns I can see us really struggerling. Maybe 4th if were lucky but they'll need to sign a proven striker but Spurs, Newcastle, Everton and maybe Liverpool will all be seeing 4th spot is there for the taking this season. It's going to be tight but 4th is the best us Arsenal supporters can hope for and another season without a trophy.

I watched quite a bit of him in spain, he is quality mate. Weather he does it i the prem remains to be seen but was gutted we didnt get him. I know Harry really wanted him before he got sacked.
Yea podolski is solid but will probably play more wide. Giroud, not sure. His movement looks pretty good but pressure is on to score. Will be tight for 4th. Everton have a good team but a thin squad plus their good players usually get fairly long injuries. Newcastle will be there abouts if they keep their players. Watched Liverpool yesterday, they looked pretty decent. Dont think they have enough up front tho and will take time for rogers to get them how he wants them to play.
If I was a betting man, id say Arsenal to nick 4th.
Levy will probably sack AVB next week :slap
I watched quite a bit of him in spain, he is quality mate. Weather he does it i the prem remains to be seen but was gutted we didnt get him. I know Harry really wanted him before he got sacked.
Yea podolski is solid but will probably play more wide. Giroud, not sure. His movement looks pretty good but pressure is on to score. Will be tight for 4th. Everton have a good team but a thin squad plus their good players usually get fairly long injuries. Newcastle will be there abouts if they keep their players. Watched Liverpool yesterday, they looked pretty decent. Dont think they have enough up front tho and will take time for rogers to get them how he wants them to play.
If I was a betting man, id say Arsenal to nick 4th.
Levy will probably sack AVB next week :slap

harry and spurs probably want every player that liverpool or arsenal want lol,.because they think they can match these 2 clubs at the least for now. they snatched sigurdsson,and always butt in when liverpool are interested in any players
harry and spurs probably want every player that liverpool or arsenal want lol,.because they think they can match these 2 clubs at the least for now. they snatched sigurdsson,and always butt in when liverpool are interested in any players

So glad we signed Joe Allen and not Sigurdsoon; Allen is a class little player pulling the strings in midfield.
Too old. Well for the £10 million Fulham want for him he is anyway.

Yep, way too much for a player of his age, but if we were able to get him in a player + cash deal with Charlie Adam going the other way, i would take that all day long.
I don't know to much about Allen but he had a really good game against City, if I was a Liverpool supporter I would be kicking myself not getting 3 points, they basically just gave City there two goals. I think it's Fri the transfer window shuts. I think that can be a big decisive factor in who gets 4th this season. The teams we mentioned all need reinforcements, it'll be interesting to see who buys. Just see Falcao score against Bilbao, that's exactly who Arsenal need.