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United beat Stoke 4-2 but Rio Ferdinand continues to prove what a prat he is on and off the pitch.

Along with his brother at QPR, Man City's Joleon Lescott and 4 nobodies at Reading he refused to wear a t-shirt supporting the latest PFA anti racism campaign prior to the kick off.

Everyone else made the gesture of support, even Evra & Suarez seem to have moved on but these dolts are clearly the sort with a permanent chip on their shoulder.

If they're that bothered about racism from opposing fans or players they should stop crying about it, grow a set of balls and attack the issue in the same way that Eric Cantona did.

Aside from that he also gave yet another goal away through his inept defending so at this point is offering nothing positive and by appearing to act like he's bigger than the club has effectively paved the way for an exit that in my opinion is long overdue.
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I was very worried when I saw Bale and dembele out but fair play to the lads, they did well.

Hate to say it but chelsea look really good and if they get Falcao in Jan, they might go all the way!

Yeah Chelsea do look good but so do Spurs to be honest. There not quite there with Chelsea but there not got a billionaire owner so your got to give Spurs respect. There strengthening there team & pushing the wealthier teams harder each season & playing great football to top it off.
Arsenal are going to struggle this season though. I can't see many goals in them. This is the 1st time I've seen Arsenal without a lethal striker. I grew up watching Alan Smith, Ian Wright, Bergkamp & Henry. Giroud just looks useless to me & could cost us our place in the Champions League next year.
Its a 3 horse race for the tittle. Chelsea, Man City and Man UTD. They will finish about 20-25 points clear of 4 place. Oh yeah Ferdinand will probably get sold in the transfer window. you cross Fergie at your peril.
Not EPL... but what a match, Deportivo vs Barca 4-5 (Deportivo's 3 goals thanks to Barca's goalkeeper Valdes, who did a Robert Green, Jordi Alba own goal (a finish Messi would be proud of :/ ), and then a pentalty awarded for a challenger outside the box :horror, then mascherano got sent off for a challenger where he made clean contact with the ball and none with the player, Barca down 10 men...

Messi saves the day with a hattrick as usual... not looking good for Barca though, a defence full of holes with Pique, Puyol, Dani Alves everyone injured. An inept goalkeeper and a lack of finishing or looking potent in attack, except Messi who has to keep saving their ass.

Good thing, Fabregas seems to have found his feet in Barca's system now.. 3 assists and fantastic midfield control alongside Messi and Iniesta.

Plus Messi rushes to the hospital after his hattrick to be informed of him becoming a father for the first time...
Somewhere on the other side of the world, Maradona is announced to have become a father too... this being his 5th or 4th child I guess...
Its a 3 horse race for the tittle. Chelsea, Man City and Man UTD. They will finish about 20-25 points clear of 4 place. Oh yeah Ferdinand will probably get sold in the transfer window. you cross Fergie at your peril.

United are scoring plenty and there's signs of some improvement in the midfield since Rooney has been playing there but their woeful defending will cost them in the end.

That said if Smalling, Jones and Vidic can get fit and stay that way for more than 5 minutes things may improve.

I will also fully endorse the exit of Ferdinand if it now happens.

He's become a liability now his pace has gone and his off field antics are embarassing for the club.

He seems to have forgotten how they stuck by him during the missed drug test fiasco and now seems to think it's OK to go against Fergie's wishes....better players have tried that and they didn't last long.

The irony is that if he does go the first thing that's likely to happen is a long rant on Twitter from Ferdinand accusing Fergie of racism and/or a lack of respect.
Yeah Chelsea do look good but so do Spurs to be honest. There not quite there with Chelsea but there not got a billionaire owner so your got to give Spurs respect. There strengthening there team & pushing the wealthier teams harder each season & playing great football to top it off.
Arsenal are going to struggle this season though. I can't see many goals in them. This is the 1st time I've seen Arsenal without a lethal striker. I grew up watching Alan Smith, Ian Wright, Bergkamp & Henry. Giroud just looks useless to me & could cost us our place in the Champions League next year.

We are looking better and im glad the boo boys have stopped and got off AVbs back and with Kaboul and Parker to return, it could be a good season.
I still think Arsenal will nick 4th tho. Poor result yesterday but they will bounce back next week, home to QPR I think.
I dont think Giroud looks too bad, just needs time and Podolski is quality.
Pity Diaby cant stay fit for more than 2 games. Very good player.
United beat Stoke 4-2 but Rio Ferdinand continues to prove what a prat he is on and off the pitch.

Along with his brother at QPR, Man City's Joleon Lescott and 4 nobodies at Reading he refused to wear a t-shirt supporting the latest PFA anti racism campaign prior to the kick off.

Everyone else made the gesture of support, even Evra & Suarez seem to have moved on but these dolts are clearly the sort with a permanent chip on their shoulder.

If they're that bothered about racism from opposing fans or players they should stop crying about it, grow a set of balls and attack the issue in the same way that Eric Cantona did.

Aside from that he also gave yet another goal away through his inept defending so at this point is offering nothing positive and by appearing to act like he's bigger than the club has effectively paved the way for an exit that in my opinion is long overdue.

If you felt very strongly about racism in football and felt the FA have done no where near enough to tackle it and punish those involved adequately, would you show your support ?

Im not saying its right or wrong but I can understand why they did it!
If you felt very strongly about racism in football and felt the FA have done no where near enough to tackle it and punish those involved adequately, would you show your support ?

Im not saying its right or wrong but I can understand why they did it!

I think his behavior during the John Terry saga proves that he's got double standards regarding racism.... he condemns it when it's against a family member but then endorses a dodgy comment made about Ashley Cole on his beloved Twitter.

Idiots like that are as much a part of the problem as anyone else and I think the real reason the Ferdinands, Lescott and the nobodies at Reading are making a protest is because they have a permanent chip on their shoulder and are scared that if racism gets kicked out of football they won't have that card to play the next time they want some publicity.

I have never rated Ferdinand as a player and his lack of respect for the manager combined with increasingly poor displays on the pitch should be rewarded with the exit door being shown in January.

I'd sooner see a couple more young players given a chance than have that lumbering dolt continue to give goals away.
A mate of mine at work moonlights as a security bod for the players. Apparently the injury issues have been looked into particularly regards training methods, diet etc. hopefully we'll be over the worst of it soon.
I think his behavior during the John Terry saga proves that he's got double standards regarding racism.... he condemns it when it's against a family member but then endorses a dodgy comment made about Ashley Cole on his beloved Twitter.

Idiots like that are as much a part of the problem as anyone else and I think the real reason the Ferdinands, Lescott and the nobodies at Reading are making a protest is because they have a permanent chip on their shoulder and are scared that if racism gets kicked out of football they won't have that card to play the next time they want some publicity.

I have never rated Ferdinand as a player and his lack of respect for the manager combined with increasingly poor displays on the pitch should be rewarded with the exit door being shown in January.

I'd sooner see a couple more young players given a chance than have that lumbering dolt continue to give goals away.

You have a point with what Ferdinand said about Cole but to suggest that these players have a chip on there shoulder and scared that if it gets kicked out, they wont be able to play the racism card for publicity is ludicrous!!

The whole John Terry and Suarez affair, the hand shakes..., its a complete mess and Terry's punishment is a joke!
You have a point with what Ferdinand said about Cole but to suggest that these players have a chip on there shoulder and scared that if it gets kicked out, they wont be able to play the racism card for publicity is ludicrous!!

The whole John Terry and Suarez affair, the hand shakes..., its a complete mess and Terry's punishment is a joke!

What happened to the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" ?

Or ignoring the taunts and silencing crowds with their skill?

Or launching themselves feet first at any racists?

These are supposedly grown men, all of whom have likely heard those kind of slurs a million times before but they seem to be lacking any kind of dignity and they prefer to cry to the media at every possible opportunity instead of growing a set and getting on with the job that they are paid obscene amounts to do.

It just smacks of attention seeking.

I doubt any of the players are genuinely racist, it's just trash talk used to try and throw their opponents off their game.
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Wish I could be at the Arsenal AGM today :lol

I hope this is going to be the beginning of a fresh start down there.

They are now performing exactly how I expected them to this season.
I think United fans should be bracing themselves for the impending ass kickings we're going to get from Chelski.

With a non existent defence and a dodgy goalkeeper I wouldn't be at all suprised if another result like last season's humiliation by City is on the cards.
I think United fans should be bracing themselves for the impending ass kickings we're going to get from Chelski.

With a non existent defence and a dodgy goalkeeper I wouldn't be at all suprised if another result like last season's humiliation by City is on the cards.

u forgot abt the refree, wat a joke of a match,
second big game where united gets favoured by the refrees. top of it all chica scores a offside and suares denied a clear goal to offside
somehow i think FA wants United to win and are instructing the decsions to go their way, think of it, United is a global brand and one reason why fa is the richest association there,,its no secret teams like Bayern mucnich, real madrid and barcelona are given protection too in their own countries, if these brands slips their FA could suffer a big loss,
i dont think United will ever go thru wat teams like liverpool and arsenal hav gone thru FA cant afford that
ridicolous, i hear Howard webb is the refree for united arsenal game next week,, seriously, everyone know and talk about webbs love for united and still Fa appoint him after todays match,,
u forgot abt the refree, wat a joke of a match,
second big game where united gets favoured by the refrees. top of it all chica scores a offside and suares denied a clear goal to offside
somehow i think FA wants United to win and are instructing the decsions to go their way, think of it, United is a global brand and one reason why fa is the richest association there,,its no secret teams like Bayern mucnich, real madrid and barcelona are given protection too in their own countries, if these brands slips their FA could suffer a big loss,
i dont think United will ever go thru wat teams like liverpool and arsenal hav gone thru FA cant afford that

I challenge anyone who thinks there is some kind of conspiracy between United and the FA to come up with ACTUAL physical evidence and try and get an enquiry started.

Anyone trying to do so would get laughed out of court but it'd make a nice change from the incredibly tired and pathetic conspiracy theorist BS that gets spouted every time a decision goes their way.

ALL top teams get their share of the decisions, Liverpool did in the 70's and 80's, United, Arsenal and Chelski have all had their share in the last 20 years and City have also joined that group in the last couple of years.

I expected United to get beat by at least 3 or 4 goals today but they tend to play better with a 4-4-2 formation and would have got at least a point even without the red cards....which were both deserved.