Ahhh, I didn't think I could recall you posting about it way back when.
Well, a fine choice sir. It has some flaws but I wouldn't be without it now. The headsculpt rules over all others to this day IMO. The clothes, I understand they were hit and miss, but I like the ones I got. I love the BD chest, it's more accurate than the same part on the DX13. It's got the all-important metal pole....which is real metal, you actually
could impale someone with it, awesome bonus
Things I'm not fond of - the execution of the BD arm and knee; Enterbay bodies not to be trusted so I don't repose this at all really; legs maybe a bit too slim for Arnie; and very limited display options due to only one headsculpt, no extra jacket with both sleeves etc etc
But as a piece just representing the full BD T2 it owns the competition no matter what format. I also really love the T-1000 as a complimentary figure since they're both from the steel mill scenes.