ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series-Terminator 2-BD T-800 Full Specs and Pics

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He looks leaps and bounds ahead of Rambo, which is saying something because Rambo is a hell of a figure. I almost don't want to admit it, but it's true. There's just something about the eyes (or eye) on this that pushes the realism to a completely different level.
He looks leaps and bounds ahead of Rambo, which is saying something because Rambo is a hell of a figure. I almost don't want to admit it, but it's true. There's just something about the eyes (or eye) on this that pushes the realism to a completely different level.

I still need Rambo too :gah:
Darn, there's always one...:pfft:

lol just kidding dude

I'm with you bro, and I am not normally 'the one' as I get excited about every release. I try not to nitpick. But seriously. No one else notices the fact that the lower half of the face sticks out farther than the forehead? I think this piece is a definite win. I will probably buy it. But the side view of the face shows a flaw. Arnold is no Gorilla. :dunno
I'm with you bro, and I am not normally 'the one' as I get excited about every release. I try not to nitpick. But seriously. No one else notices the fact that the lower half of the face sticks out farther than the forehead? I think this piece is a definite win. I will probably buy it. But the side view of the face shows a flaw. Arnold is no Gorilla. :dunno

I dunno, from some angles he (Arnold himself) can be. I won't be writing your criticism off but at the moment I don't see a problem.
Here's what I'm talking about. Look at Arnold's side profile. As I said..this is an amazing T2 piece. But the face sculpt is not perfect.
I'm with you bro, and I am not normally 'the one' as I get excited about every release. I try not to nitpick. But seriously. No one else notices the fact that the lower half of the face sticks out farther than the forehead? I think this piece is a definite win. I will probably buy it. But the side view of the face shows a flaw. Arnold is no Gorilla. :dunno

Uh, yes he is actually. I've always referred to him as a gorilla :lol
Gorilla face ......

Here's what I'm talking about. Look at Arnold's side profile. As I said..this is an amazing T2 piece. But the face sculpt is not perfect.

If theres any excessive protrusion of his mouth its very minorly so, comparing the figure in my hand to that image. And its also possibly an expression-dependant thing.
Gorilla face ......



There are many moments where he looks like that. I'm also thinking of when hes punching through a car window or wrenching $h!t out to hotwire the car in T2, its like he tenses his mouth, maybe pushes his jaw forward - if theres a problem with this sculpts mouth being too forward, as I said its only barely, and it can be put down to the above if you want.
Congrats guys on getting him, his still on my want list but I did drop him from my po list:( I may still get him when it hits us retailers but as of right now, its not a priority. Thats a big chunk of change to pay for a figure at any one time, its worth it but still:panic:

Btw nice shots guys, it looks like it hard to take a bad pic of this guy or your all professional photographers:hi5:

There are many moments where he looks like that. I'm also thinking of when hes punching through a car window or wrenching $h!t out to hotwire the car in T2, its like he tenses his mouth, maybe pushes his jaw forward - if theres a problem with this sculpts mouth being too forward, as I said its only barely, and it can be put down to the above if you want.

Yeah pretty much. It's his snarl face I think.

Retardation gorilla face ......


This ones just cool!

Arnie has many cool faces and many unintentionally hilarious ones too. I got the most hysterical pause when watching T2 once, should have taken a screengrab of it.

Anywho, I took a bunch of photos tonight but now I'm too tired to go through them picking which ones to upload and post. To bed I go.