ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - Batman Full Specs and Pics

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The EB figure is obviously better. However, you could make the 1/6 HT figure look 60% better by lowering the shoulders. :peace

Yeah - the shoulders on HT figs can make or break it. The OC Costume is on the old style TT with MASSIVE shoulders which, no matter how much I tried, it can not look good. I took the suit off the old TT and placed it on a narrow shouldered TT. Looks much more realistic.
For some weird reason..... The coat that I put on my gauntlets get glossier and glossier by the day...... I wonder if it's a weird reaction between the paint and the gauntlet materials and the hot weather.... I don't know.

Or maybe the coat just never set properly on that material, I dunno.

Now, I think I have to somehow, someway get a new pair of gauntlets to replace them with.

So weird......
I'm with Snoop and A-Dev on this one. I don't think there's any thing stopping a company from putting out a figure like Enterbay T-800 or this Batman in 1/6 scale. Nothing. Enterbay could have literally made these in 1/6 if they wanted to.

I was impressed with the 1/4 T-800 when I first got it, but the only difference between it and the most recent 1/6 figures I got at the time was scale and metal accessories. Are you telling me they can't produce these sculpts or great tailored clothing in 1/6 scale that's as good (if not better) as this?

Sure, you can point at the MMS 117 T2 Arnold and the MMS 67 OC Batman/MMS 155 Batman Begins and laugh but remember, the time frames of those pieces. Those figures have held up extremely well being 3-4 years old.

These aren't the last Terminator and Batman figures from either company or scale either . . .
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I got my figure yesterday, but can't find the cape clips anywhere in the box or with the accessories.

Where did the clips come on everyone else's Batman? Were they already attached to the body via the magnets, or wrapped up separately elsewhere in the package?

The clips come attached to Batman
How is not true? So far everything we have seen in 1/4 can just as easily be done in 1/6.

Yeah, if it's dumbed down like the Hot Toys 1/4 TDKR figure. Show me a 1/6 with the face sculpt of Enterbay's Batman Begins.
The 1/4 EB Batman destroys my 1/6 HT BB.

But the 1/6 89 Batman holds up pretty well against it.

One more thing, EB should'nt be getting the pass it's receiving for making the belt too short causing it to sit high.

They should receive the same flack for the belt as a bent gauntlet blade or warped cowl.

The belt mod is an annoying fix that we should'nt even be worrying about.

C'mon EB, make the belt longer for future customers.
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Didn't Bill say that when ordering Enterbay direct, you only get the Batman extras when you order Joker with him?

The EB figure is obviously better. However, you could make the 1/6 HT figure look 60% better by lowering the shoulders. :peace

Who knows what Bill said, I stopped listening to that guy awhile ago. With him, there's always a lot of chopping but not many chips flying. ;)

Yeah, the shoulder on the left was a smidge high, the other was already all the way down. It should look 30% better but it didn't help that much at all. Math hurts my head....don't ever make me do that again. :lecture :wink1:

Would love to see pics of your final set-up with the cape and clips the way you have them. :pray:

I might post a pic or two. :D The comparsion pics I posted is using this new scheme. It's pretty much like the rings on the real thing, that where the magnets sit. It's a ***** because only the edge of the magnet sticks out from underneath the cowl, and since they're pretty strong they like to jump out & connect.

EB has effectively ruined me & magnets forever. :medic
The 1/4 EB Batman destroys my 1/6 HT BB.

But the 1/6 89 Batman holds up pretty well against it.

One more thing, EB should'nt be getting the pass it's receiving for making the belt too short causing it to sit high.

They should receive the same flack for the belt as a bent gauntlet blade or warped cowl.

The belt mod is an annoying fix that we should'nt even be worrying about.

C'mon EB, make the belt longer for future customers.

The belt is a bit of a weird situation tho. You could argue it is fine in it's out of the box form. It sits high, but then it sat high in scenes within the movie...EB didn't REALLY get it wrong. Now. If the belt always rested low on bales balls, then yeah, i'd agree, it shouldn't be getting a pass. As it is though, it's preference whether you do then mod or not, not EB's innacuracy.

I'm going to be doing the mod myself, because i like it more when the belt sits low. But i'm not going to pretend it is the one and only way it is seen in the film, because it isn't.

2 belts would have been ideal, but unrealistic.
Yeah, if it's dumbed down like the Hot Toys 1/4 TDKR figure. Show me a 1/6 with the face sculpt of Enterbay's Batman Begins.

Enterbays Batman sculpt is incredible, but again, there is nothing new we've seen in 1/4 that can't be done in 1/6. And as Difabio said, these sculpts and tailoring are just as achievable in 1/6 as they are in 1/4.:lecture
The 1/4 EB Batman destroys my 1/6 HT BB.

But the 1/6 89 Batman holds up pretty well against it.

One more thing, EB should'nt be getting the pass it's receiving for making the belt too short causing it to sit high.

They should receive the same flack for the belt as a bent gauntlet blade or warped cowl.

The belt mod is an annoying fix that we should'nt even be worrying about.

C'mon EB, make the belt longer for future customers.

Yeah EB and send all of us who already have him an extension part for the belt. So it doesn't look @":!
Yeah - the shoulders on HT figs can make or break it. The OC Costume is on the old style TT with MASSIVE shoulders which, no matter how much I tried, it can not look good. I took the suit off the old TT and placed it on a narrow shouldered TT. Looks much more realistic.

I wouldn't have thought that'd have an effect because of the rubber costume, that the costume as much as the underlying body gives it the shape it has - sorta like when I tried to get my HT 1:6 T2 Arnold to look more accurately proportioned by putting him on a smaller body - it didn't work because the clothes were sized to the larger body, a smaller body simply made the clothes baggy and incapable of moving naturally with the figure.

I'm with Snoop and A-Dev on this one. I don't think there's any thing stopping a company from putting out a figure like Enterbay T-800 or this Batman in 1/6 scale. Nothing. Enterbay could have literally made these in 1/6 if they wanted to.

I was impressed with the 1/4 T-800 when I first got it, but the only difference between it and the most recent 1/6 figures I got at the time was scale and metal accessories. Are you telling me they can't produce these sculpts or great tailored clothing in 1/6 scale that's as good (if not better) as this?

Sure, you can point at the MMS 117 T2 Arnold and the MMS 67 OC Batman/MMS 155 Batman Begins and laugh but remember, the time frames of those pieces. Those figures have held up extremely well being 3-4 years old.

These aren't the last Terminator and Batman figures from either company or scale either . . .

Yeah, pretty much. And look at the QS002 Endoskeleton - there appears to be nothing there that wasn't already done on the 1:6 scale figure years ago other than the chroming - and even that is doable at 1:6. Theres no added details of hoses and pistons in the arms and hands - things I truly expected would be there on an upscaled high-end figure.

The HT MMS117 frankly does look pretty laughable if you stand it next to the Enterbay T-800 but as you say that doesn't speak to anything the Enterbay figure does that is technically beyond 1:6.
I could care less if 1/6 can have the same level of quality as 1/4, because at the end of the day 1/4 is still bigger, therefore better at being a show piece.

If you show me the same character in 1/6 and 1/4 with both of equal quality and ask me to choose which I prefer to own, 1/4 will win hands down every single time.

So who cares that 1/6 can look as good as 1/4.

Bigger is always better, just ask my wife, she'll tell you. :lol