ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - Batman Full Specs and Pics

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It'll only be a matter of time before Maglor posts some pics of Batman with some of his gear and weapons. Looking forward to that.

He did a bunch of cool stuff with his '89 Batman. Grapple gun poses, in flight poses, etc.

Oh and how is the Bruce Wayne head in person? I haven't really seen people comment or take pics of it. I get the idea that it's one of those things that just stays in the box? :lol
Tremendous pics Mags, spam away as much as you want. Did you dullcoat the cowl, looks a lot more matte than before?


Which reminds me, I haven't commented on the cowls yet.

The cowl that looks straight ahead is absolutely unusable. It's absurdly glossy. Wish it had been one of the sideways looking ones. The only way I'll ever use it is if it's repainted. Shame really.

Also, the seam that runs between the ears is pretty bad on two of the cowls. That's how I ended up using the cowl I am. It's a nice matte, and it has the best seam.

Two of my cowls came warped, but once in place they flatten out fine.
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I simply tip my hat you ya, sir. Absolute genius and THEY best pics we've seen thus far :clap

Thank you sir. :duff

When this is over I think me and you should get an apartment together.

:lol :1-1:

This inconsistent QC on the cowls is definitely a shame. Hope I luck out somehow :lol

Will be dullcoating any shiny ones for sure though

At some point I will sanding down the seam on the straight ahead looking cowl and have it repainted. Not the eyes (or mouths), just the cowl.
All I have to say to Maglor is this:

Spam, Spam, Spam away brother! :rock

More Mags pics!

Seriously -- Maglor, please keep posting those pics. YOur photos make good reference pictures for Batman artworks :):clap


:lol Very well. For those of you that aren't subscribed to my thread and didn't click on my link, I'll share the rest from that shoot in my next post. They aren't as good as the other ones though...

It'll only be a matter of time before Maglor posts some pics of Batman with some of his gear and weapons. Looking forward to that.

He did a bunch of cool stuff with his '89 Batman. Grapple gun poses, in flight poses, etc.

I definitely plan to do this, but it may be a couple weeks. I'm leaving for Europe on Wednesday, and won't be back until the 9th of September. I doubt I'll have time for a total futzing overhaul before then. :(

Oh and how is the Bruce Wayne head in person? I haven't really seen people comment or take pics of it. I get the idea that it's one of those things that just stays in the box? :lol

I'll be doing a shoot with him as well. I think he's decent. Better than any of the HT ones I currently own anyway.
Took some screen caps from BB incase anyone wants additional upclose clip placement pics.





Those are some seriously unflattering pics :lol :rotfl

It's been driving me nuts for ages and it's just hit me. It's nearly the spitting image of Bill Paxton at the end of Weird Science. In fact, many moments.

Anyone know where you can buy some decent (and not too tall) stands that you can place the additional heads onto for display?
Ok, reporting back from my extra magnet experiment. instead of ripping out the stock magnets.


I placed all different kinds of magnets next to the existing one and as I feared, it just became a battle of magnets fighting for the clips, not unlike my affect on women and lolcats.

Anyways, after many attempts, I gave up and ended up ripping out the stock magnets and just using them in their new positions as instructed by Maglor the Magnet.

They actually pulled out pretty easy so no problem there.

I can't believe how difficult it was though to stuff my fat sausage fingers inside his chest cavity, sheesh.

Anyways, the left magnet would keep falling into his arm pit, the inside body just wouldn't hold that one magnet.

That quickly became a hassle to get it into the appropriate spot.

Once I did the only way from keeping that magnet from falling into his arm pit was to use the clip to hold it in place, which I did successfully after many attempts.

Final result you might ask?

Great Success, it looks just like Maglors (yes, I measure success against Maglor futzing :lol)

I then stuffed his shoulders with small party balloons (not inflated).

I figured a rubber balloon wouldn't hurt a rubber figure, and it's almost as flexible as cotton.

He looks like a beast now!

I was worried about ungluing his plastic spinal piece away from the suit during the stuffing phase because of my sausage fingers but thankfully it held up...whew.

Anyways, crappy pics to follow.

Maglor.....we salute youuuuuu :duff
Compelling and rich.

Balloons might be a bad idea though. What if the latex/rubber reacts with the rubber of the suit? You don't know what went into making either of them! They might react and melt with the suit and/or the plastic body. Plasticizers might kill him! :horror

Compelling and rich.

Balloons might be a bad idea though. What if the latex/rubber reacts with the rubber of the suit? You don't know what went into making them! :horror


Balloons coming out asap :lol

Edit: Party Balloons been removed, Prince will not be pleased. :lol
Yeah. Just buy a bag of cotton balls. Hell, ask your wife, she might have them for make up or something.

If not you can grab a bag that contains 200 cotton balls for a few bucks at a drug store, Walmart or Target.
Yeah. Just buy a bag of cotton balls. Hell, ask your wife, she might have them for make up or something.

If not they're like a couple of bucks for a bag of 200.

She's sleeping, i'm looking thru her makeup closet now, NO FREAKING COTTON! :gah:

What the.....I have to be the only husband in the whole world that has a wife who doesn't own cotton balls! :mad:

Wake her ass up and say,

"Yo woman, I needz some cotton ballz for mah Betmen"

My Balloons....DiFabio stole my Balloons.....Void.....




RIP Bob, er, Void
Cotton Balls located w/o having to wake up wife. :yess:

Whew, I thought I was going to have to do a quickie just for cotton balls.

Ok, back to stuffing my turkey.