Want to say Thanks to all of you who contributed to this post. Got my master piece few days ago and I do love it so much.
I am highly interested in magnet re-positioning tutorial by Maglor but I am out of luck since my figure with the magnets so firmly attached to the rubber suit.
And I don't want to use cutting tools on the rubber under any circumstance.
Finally I got it done by my method and wish to share with you guys. It may be helpful to who too scary to peel the magnets from the rubber suit like me : p
1. I got two extra magnets from local market which with similar thickness as Enterbay but with larger surface area. It cost me less than few bucks.
2. Then I put the new magnets inside the suit along the original one, make sure the new one with the opposite magnetic direction to the original one then they will "stick" to each other without problem and no worry of falling and missing in the suit. Of course we still need to put the spare magnets from clips on the outside of suit for positioning.
3. Then I changed the direction(inside out) of magnets on clips. I used hair dryer to heat one clip and then use other spare magnet to pull out the target one.
This method works fine for me and the magnet "flying" out immediately, reverse it and attached back with strong glue or you can use double side adhesive tape if you want to restore the original setting.
That's it and you will find your clips is now repulsed by the original magnets and just can attached to the new magnets
The reason for using new magnets that with larger area is to increase adjustable area for the clips.
The shiny and bigger one is the new magnet I am going to put beneath the suit.
If you want to have a stronger holding power to your cape, you can change all the original magnets to the new shiny one which with a strong magnetic power.