ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - The Joker Full Specs and Pics

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A place called Sora in Germany, they make any size you tell them and ship you a kit. Very cool actually might use them again.

yea, I've heard of them, I usually go through casesforcollectibles in the U.S., but I may go through Sora for a case for my CM Pred cause it will be easier then getting a huge box already put together.
Hey Rory, that's the best futzing of the coat I've seen so far. What did you do to it?

Not a lot to be honest. I think the coat is pretty great. Just pull it down, smooth the edges with your fingers, make it look like it has some weight pulling it down. I'm actually going to weather it up and age it a bit.
Got my call from Enterbay to pick this baby up.

So i think the online orders will probably be shipped out by next week guys.

Got it, love it. One difference i saw with this is that the shoe lace color seems to be darker then the original ani-com release. The gloves have a sticky rubbery glossy texture to them when you feel and look at them, so its like hes wearing gloves.

I feel the head sculpt looks more like Heath when his head is tilted up looking at the ceiling, but of course the standard hunch back look makes him more menacing.

My chain came half attached.... i'm not a huge Joker nerd, so i don't know where its supposed to be lached on to, but since the front chain is attached to the suspenders in the front, i just chained it to the back suspenders.

Ankle/foot articulation is like super poor, and also like Rory already mentioned, his legs cant be squeezed together for that standing cross legged look. Its always gonna be at shoulder width.

The coat is great. Very light, very thin, velvet material with wire stiched in the bottom, easy to futz. The sleeves are too long, but if you have his arms in a bending position, then it fixes the problem.

Will upload some blackberry pics soon. Even took a picture of the socks for the collectors with the Joker Sock Fetish.
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Aw.... uploaded these to the computer and they look like crap. 5 Mega pixel my ass Mr.Blackberry. Oh well... too lazy now to take some new ones and upload them. These pics were taken right outta the box.

Crap pics is better then no pics.. am i right folks?

Oh... and to the guy that can't hold himself like some asperbergers patient to tell everyone (after new pictures are posted) on how the chins is too long and the shoes are crap and the laces are terrible... stop beating a dead horse, we get it move on.








Oh... and to the guy that can't hold himself like some asperbergers patient to tell everyone (after new pictures are posted) on how the chins is too long and the shoes are crap and the laces are terrible... stop beating a dead horse, we get it move on.


Ace pics.
Awesome pics, dude!

Such an underrated figure, I think. Personally? The best massed produced Joker figure I've seen, so far. I should be receiving mine tomorrow.
Awesome pics, dude!

Such an underrated figure, I think. Personally? The best massed produced Joker figure I've seen, so far. I should be receiving mine tomorrow.

Nice, post some pics for us :D

I agree though, this is the best Joker that I've seen, the likeness is incredible and it's all because of EB's amazing paint apps.
Oh... and to the guy that can't hold himself like some asperbergers patient to tell everyone (after new pictures are posted) on how the chins is too long and the shoes are crap and the laces are terrible... stop beating a dead horse, we get it move on.

:lol :lol :lol

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

I didn't even know SS did display cases?!:lol

These are built to your own specs, and the cost is calculated depending on what you get. These were about 50-60$ each.

HI Rory! I LOVE YOUR CASES! Would you mind sharing the exact specs/measurements of this cases you had made for your 1/4s? They're perfect! :clap

Great pics ...........amazing figure- can't wait to get mine..and I'll say $420 or so for this big boy is dirt cheap compared to the new HT Wolvie at $235............................!
It doesn't seem like many freaks are interested in this, but I have discovered that by changing the shoes the entire proportion issue seems to go away. The head and legs look good now in relation to everything else, the giant wide feet were throwing everything off.

quick pic with new unpainted shoes...
Here's a before and after, shoes not painted or sanded yet.


Thanks everybody for the comments.

So true... its funny... the first thing my gf said after examining mine was... "whao... whats with the clown shoes?"


I can confirm for the 2nd batch of Jokers, the shoe laces are the same colour you dyed them to. I was originally gonna replace them, but now since they are a darker colour, I'll just leave them be.

In chinese, we call the Joker - 小丑 which means"The CLOWN".
Your the third one to ask. Don't think he wants to share.

:lol ..seriously? If I didn't want to share I wouldn't have told you guys were I bought the ****ing things.

I just got tired of answering the same question 100 times (Pms, pms and more pms).
..and my answer is? I don't have a ****ing clue. :lol

I had a measuring tape, the figure on my desk and typed each measurement into the box on the site as i guesstimated.
Jesus, work it out people. I don't work for Sora. And I'm certainly not being responsible for someone who orders the wrong size.

...If you want me to guesstimate for you, I will no problem. It's your cash.

That's a great site rory, just done some rough estimates and prices are coming out at 50-60€ so around £45+£9delivery is great. Also black backing or reflective only seems to add 2€ - 4€.

seems some peoples mentalities are ''why have a dog and bark yourself''

still debating on this guy, no doubting he looks great
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