ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - The Joker Full Specs and Pics

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Looks great here. This is definitely the way to pose him, as the head looks a bit awkward in other positions IMO. You also did a great job futzing his outfit.

Awesome. I bet it would have been mindblowingly great if Hanks would have actually taken on that role, though.

Stealth V3teran;4832421 said:
That shot, side profile i see ledger then every other
shot he i just don't see it :(. i really don't like the coat either theres just something about it that puts me off buying this. It's still without a shadow of a doubt a nice piece, but i think its only Bats i'll be getting no joker.

Hey everyone,

Yes the troll is back, but this time I only want to try and talk about
what is right about figures and not what is wrong, so I hope I can learn
not to be annoying by actually saying positive things about this sculpt. Stealth I know how you feel but I hope I can make you feel better because you sound so disappointed.

Ok IMO the reason why you see Ledger in the profile shot and not in the other ones that many people have posted is due to angles and distance. I think I was the first person to bring up that Enterbay nailed Ledger's profile but that is in another thread.

This figure looks ok close up, but terrible from away IMO. Nevertheless,
even close up it has to be shown on the right angles and when it is
shown on the right angles it can look pretty much perfect IMO! I think this is due the fact that the eyes are too deep set and small and can not be even seen from a normal distance.

This explains why this pic by Rory here looks like Ledger IMO, as it is a
very close up pic where you can see his eyes.

Here are some other shots that you show with the right angles the figure looks good close up and looks like Heath IMO. Tell me stealth if you can see Heath in these because you said you could not see Heath in any other picture other than the profile shot.






If Enterbay made the eyes bigger and not really deep set, and a wider face then this would be a near perfect Ledger/Joker figure IMO.

I am not knocking this figure but trying to explain that the head sculpt is actually good but Enterbay have hidden the details that disguise a decent sculpt IMO.

So stealth basically what I am saying is don't let certain pictures fool you as the sculpt looks pretty good close up IMO.
Hey everyone,

Yes the troll is back, but this time I only want to try and talk about
what is right about figures and not what is wrong, so I hope I can learn
not to be annoying by actually saying positive things about this sculpt. Stealth I know how you feel but I hope I can make you feel better because you sound so disappointed.

Ok IMO the reason why you see Ledger in the profile shot and not in the other ones that many people have posted is due to angles and distance. I think I was the first person to bring up that Enterbay nailed Ledger's profile but that is in another thread.

This figure looks ok close up, but terrible from away IMO. Nevertheless,
even close up it has to be shown on the right angles and when it is
shown on the right angles it can look pretty much perfect IMO! I think this is due the fact that the eyes are too deep set and small and can not be even seen from a normal distance.

This explains why this pic by Rory here looks like Ledger IMO, as it is a
very close up pic where you can see his eyes.

Here are some other shots that you show with the right angles the figure looks good close up and looks like Heath IMO. Tell me stealth if you can see Heath in these because you said you could not see Heath in any other picture other than the profile shot.






If Enterbay made the eyes bigger and not really deep set, and a wider face then this would be a near perfect Ledger/Joker figure IMO.

I am not knocking this figure but trying to explain that the head sculpt is actually good but Enterbay have hidden the details that disguise a decent sculpt IMO.

So stealth basically what I am saying is don't let certain pictures fool you as the sculpt looks pretty good close up IMO.

i see what your saying, i wouldn't say that pictures are fooling me sort of speak.Its really my desire to own this that is stopping me from buying it, the desire just isn't as great as it was for bats really is the main reason. The second i saw bats it was an instant purchase with just how good it looked and how much presence showed through the pics, this one requires some thought on my part. Yes there are definitely other shots as you posted that look like ledger. i haven't really followed this thread from the start like i have with bats so there are pictures i have missed which you have brought to my attention. Even with all the pics this is undoubtedly a great piece there is no denying that..but there is just something not there for me and i really can't put my finger on it, the spark telling me to buy it now just won't show itself.

I don't know maybe i will pick this up at some point in the future, all i know is right now it isn't a must for me. That being said everyone who has it / is getting it i thoroughly hope you enjoy it in your collection.
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i see what your saying, i wouldn't say that pictures are fooling me sort of speak.Its really my desire to own this that is stopping me from buying it, the desire just isn't as great as it was for bats really is the main reason. The second i saw bats it was an instant purchase with just how good it looked and how much presence showed through the pics, this one requires some thought on my part. Yes there are definitely other shots as you posted that look like ledger. i haven't really followed this thread from the start like i have with bats so there are pictures i have missed which you have brought to my attention. Even with all the pics this is undoubtedly a great piece there is no denying that..but there is just something not there for me and i really can't put my finger on it, the spark telling me to buy it now just won't show itself.

I don't know maybe i will pick this up at some point in the future, all i know is right now it isn't a must for me. That being said everyone who has it / is getting it i thoroughly hope you enjoy it in your collection.

That is ok, I know how you feel, it it not a figure/head sculpt that makes you go wow I gotta have it. You just sounded like you wanted it to be good and you sounded so disappointed when the only pic that you thought it looked like Ledger is the profile shot. So that is why I showed you the other ones.

IMO if only enterbay made the eyes more noticeable instead of giving an appearance of a dark shadow for his eyes, this figure would not look so bad from a distance, despite the long face that it has. I really think this is the main reason it does not look good from a distance but in close up pics with the right angles like Rory's it does.

Anyway I was not pushing you to buy it, since I am on the fence about this as well, just thought I would show you more pics to show you that it does like Ledger in shots other than profile shots.

I hope you enjoy your Batman.

Nice pose and pictures. Can only be beat w my own inhand experience!!! The wait!!

One of my favorite scenes from the movie. EB's Joker holds this pose beautifully. Making the grenades out of metal was the wrong move IMO though. Too heavy but it still works.

Got him today. Nice figure. Still gotta live with it a bit before I give a final verdict on it. One thing's for sure for me, though, the sculpt definitely isn't a home run.

But enough with the chit-chat. Picture time.

Hey Coco,

Nice pics, I was just wondering is the tailoring on the shirt and vest good? I can not tell from those pics.

The tailoring looks ok in your pics coco but doesn't look as fitting as say Kato's clothing like in these pics below.








BTW I am not trolling and saying how much better Kato's clothing is, I am generally interested because I am still thinking about buying this figure. TBH I think the sleeves on Kato's shirt are too long.
The tailoring on this figure is excellent. Better than 1/6th scale.

And just a word of advice, posting Hot Toys 1/6 Scale Joker pics in the Enterbay thread could be perceived as trolling. As would posting Enterbay 1/4 scale pics in the HT thread.

Most of us are getting DX2.0 Joker. Most of us have seen Kato's pics. Posting them here seems to only facilitate a "which is better argument" which as I mentioned could be perceived as trolling.

This is why the DX2.0 thread isn't full of Enterbay pics.

You even punctuate the end of your post with "I'm not trolling".
When you have been on these boards for a while longer you will realise that's a trolling mantra.