ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - The Joker Full Specs and Pics

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The shirt and vest overall are amazing. If I were to take the vest off and press it I'm sure it would look better fiiting like Kato's 1:6 vest does.

I will say this, the snaps on mine are barely hanging on by a thread...literally. I could pull the vest closed more had EB sewn them on better. There are little things like that that lessen the quality of this figure and are a bit of a disappointment to me.

Ok cool thanks for helping me out and with that answer. Like I said I just could not tell and yeah I did hear that the vest was poorly made as far sewing goes. So I wouldn't want you to take it off to try and make it fit better, as I believe you.

So the shirt fits good to? TBH Katos one does not fit as well as it should as the sleeves are long and not tight.

When I usually look at something, the first thing I notice is the head sculpt/paint job. The next thing I notice is the tailoring, Rory says the tailoring is good and his pics do support that with the coat it looks good but when the coat is not on, the tailoring does not look good to me IMO. I have to make this clear, IMO it does not look like good tailoring (without the coat) but I am not saying that I am right.

Now going back to what I first mentioned. In these pics the head sculpt/paint job looks great because the eyes are so noticeable and I did not notice the long leg syndrome.

Nevertheless, what is more important a good head sculpt with long legs or a bad head sculpt with the exact right body proportions? :rolleyes:

I understand as I was contemplating the same. I owned HT DX01 Joker and the more I look at it I find EB sculpt and tailoring far more superior. I ended up selling my Joker DX01 and ordered EB Joker.

This pic from Rorywan won me over.

I understand as I was contemplating the same. I owned HT DX01 Joker and the more I look at it I find EB sculpt and tailoring far more superior. I ended up selling my Joker DX01 and ordered EB Joker.

This pic from Rorywan won me over.


Yeah Rorys pic's are amazing, thanks for understanding where I am coming from.

The tailoring for this guy is amazing.

For the green suit vest, it looks like its not a perfect fit because it is kinda wrinkly.

Now... i stripped mine naked, and ironed the shirt and vest to get the wrinkles out, but after doing so.. i must have wrecked the buttons or sth, and could not button back the vest. So i broke all the button insertion pins and glued them together.

I don't really recommend taking the vest off... but saying so, after i ironed it and glued it, i think it looks better, and also it seems to be more slim/tight fit. I'll have to upload some pics.

As for Mr.Darkavatar. If i may.... you are not a troll. :lecture

1. I can tell english is not your primary language. It definetly is good, but it can't compare to someone that knows english ONLY.
Some of the things you want to express don't come out as close to what you really mean. You dont want to offend, but you dont understand why everyone seems to be gangbangging you.

2. You have no filter. Some people consider if a social norm to be polite, and even if they think something is crap they either wont comment or say its ok~. You on the other hand, tell it as it is to you. If something dosent look right or worries you, you have the unstoppable urge to tell everyone ASAP. Again.. it may be a culture thing.... probably Eurpoean.

3. You are an over worried buyer. I know these things are expensive, and i don't know if your a kid or a man that has to sell a kidney to afford this. You want it, but are so afraid that you will end up with sth you don't like that your picking this to death. Too desperate to asking everyone in the world to confirm your worries to make sure YOU ARE making the correct decision. That drives everyone insane. :gah:

The combination of 1 + 2+ 3 = a misunderstood person viewed as a troll. He's not trying to troll and yet that is what everyone views him as, and the guy dont understand everyones hostility. Sorry for going :offtopic:.
As for Mr.Darkavatar. If i may.... you are not a troll. :lecture

1. I can tell english is not your primary language. It definetly is good, but it can't compare to someone that knows english ONLY.
Some of the things you want to express don't come out as close to what you really mean. You dont want to offend, but you dont understand why everyone seems to be gangbangging you.

Yeah I agree, I act like everything is about me, but it is not. I don't know why I do it, it is just an impulse, I guess :dunno. Your right about everything, except English is my primary language and the only language I can speak. So I have no excuse why it comes across as poor :slap

I just think its more about the way I say it, like I am just too opinionated and I come across like a bigot , surely my grammar isn't poor right?

2. You have no filter. Some people consider if a social norm to be polite, and even if they think something is crap they either wont comment or say its ok~. You on the other hand, tell it as it is to you. If something dosent look right or worries you, you have the unstoppable urge to tell everyone ASAP. Again.. it may be a culture thing.... probably Eurpoean.

Yeah I know I agree, except the culture part, since I am western and white. I just think for some odd reason I have some unstoppable urge to tell the world the stuff I don't like.

3. You are an over worried buyer. I know these things are expensive, and i don't know if your a kid or a man that has to sell a kidney to afford this. You want it, but are so afraid that you will end up with sth you don't like that your picking this to death. Too desperate to asking everyone in the world to confirm your worries to make sure YOU ARE making the correct decision. That drives everyone insane. :gah:

The combination of 1 + 2+ 3 = a misunderstood person viewed as a troll. He's not trying to troll and yet that is what everyone views him as, and the guy dont understand everyones hostility. Sorry for going :offtopic:.

Yeah I agree with all that, I am a kid in a mans body. I hope I can somehow adapt to this board and change.

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I got mine last week and imo this is one of the best if not the best sculpts I've seen.I own bobby c and 2 of adams jokers and I sculpted about 7 different jokers myself ,so I'm pretty confident in saying enterbay really nailed the likeness.
I got mine last week and imo this is one of the best if not the best sculpts I've seen.I own bobby c and 2 of adams jokers and I sculpted about 7 different jokers myself ,so I'm pretty confident in saying enterbay really nailed the likeness.

I actually think it is the best likeness to Ledger as a mass produced product to date.

Does anyone know a way of unregistering from these boards?

All you have to do is resist the urge to comment on every single post. You've posted your opinions and tailoring-related questions numerous times over the last few pages in addition to your explanation for being the way you are, so you don't have to repeat yourself. Also, if anyone comes across as brash to you, you don't have to respond to them -- because they'll keep replying back and it'll never end until a moderator has to step in.

Just ignore them and silently browse through the pictures posted so far. If you have a new question that you haven't asked before, mention it once and avoid writing a large mass of text to justify why you're asking it. No need to be overbearing. Say what you need to say, be concise, and eventually you'll get an answer.
The tailoring for this guy is amazing.

For the green suit vest, it looks like its not a perfect fit because it is kinda wrinkly.

Now... i stripped mine naked, and ironed the shirt and vest to get the wrinkles out, but after doing so.. i must have wrecked the buttons or sth, and could not button back the vest. So i broke all the button insertion pins and glued them together.

I don't really recommend taking the vest off... but saying so, after i ironed it and glued it, i think it looks better, and also it seems to be more slim/tight fit. I'll have to upload some pics.

Alright guys, this is what i meant above.

Ironed the vest and shirt, but ended up having to super glue the vest back on.
But after doing so, it seems to be a slim tailor made tight fit.
The only fault tailoring wise is the purple coat, the sleeves are a tad too long, other then that, everything is top notch.



Alright guys, shows over. Cleaning the thread now.

If any of you have problems, ignore each other or take it via PM. If it still continues, I'm giving out infractions:wave
Alright guys, this is what i meant above.

Ironed the vest and shirt, but ended up having to super glue the vest back on.
But after doing so, it seems to be a slim tailor made tight fit.
The only fault tailoring wise is the purple coat, the sleeves are a tad too long, other then that, everything is top notch.




2 questions for everybody that has this.

When my Joker chain came, it came partially attached. It was only hooked up to the front suspenders. So logically i just hooked the other chain to the back suspenders... is this correct?

Secondly... do your wrist joint work? Cause mine don't budge and i'm not sure if its normal or not. Its not something i'll conern myself over, but i am still curious to know.
2 questions for everybody that has this.

When my Joker chain came, it came partially attached. It was only hooked up to the front suspenders. So logically i just hooked the other chain to the back suspenders... is this correct?

Secondly... do your wrist joint work? Cause mine don't budge and i'm not sure if its normal or not. Its not something i'll conern myself over, but i am still curious to know.

:wave hi back for check up on freak board , think one end of the key chain should pop in pocket, wrist joints work but is stiff, :hi5:
2 questions for everybody that has this.

When my Joker chain came, it came partially attached. It was only hooked up to the front suspenders. So logically i just hooked the other chain to the back suspenders... is this correct?

Secondly... do your wrist joint work? Cause mine don't budge and i'm not sure if its normal or not. Its not something i'll conern myself over, but i am still curious to know.

On the Joker that I have displayed with the overcoat on, I opened the belt at the back of the waistcoat and attached the chain to that, it looks great.

If you are displaying without the overcoat, either attach to back suspender, or just loop it in front?

I haven't had any problems with wrists but to be honest I haven't done very much with them. Replacing the hands on this and Batman is a real pain though. Very stiff without heating.
I have a question maybe someone can help me with,where do I hook the chain?he has no belt loops,only place I could think of was suspednders.
Mines been in customs for 8 days. I called the customs office today and apparently parcel force has it but the tracking still says held in customs. ****ing joke!