ENTERBAY 1:4 scale Terminator2 T800

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You cannot escape your destiny, you must own this figure from Enterbay.

I got mine from Toys2 - my box is great (sorry not trying to brag) - its a shame to hear about yours because the box is magnificent - a display piece in and of itself.

My figure has the different leg-length issue, I *cough* pulled his pants down to have a look and I'm not sure the problem is limited to the knee joint, it also looked like one thigh was higher than the other. And strangely the leg where the knee didn't look like it was 'in' all the way was the very leg that couldn't afford to be shorter. I decided to take no action, its not really noticeable on mine. I'm probably going to have him in walking/striding/mid step poses anyway.

I'm also anticipating a response from HT at some point. I wonder would they be allowed do 1/4scalers for Terminator or does EB have exclusive rights there. I know EB are doing a 1/4 scale Robocop and HT's announcement for Robocop didn't mention anything outside of 1/6

I have a feeling HT won't let Enterbay keep this to themselves and pay big $$$ to make one, so expect a 1/4 scale figure from them to compete. I am really looking forward to the 1/4 scale RAMBO.:clap
...for now. I think Dutch PF likeness is nearly perfect, IMO. Hope they don't mess up the paintjob.

That Sideshow Dutch does look awesome, but we will have to see about the final product. For right now, this is the guy to have and Enterbay has done an amazing job on the HS paint app. LOVE THIS FIGURE.:)
I thought I could be strong, I should have stopped following this thread, I caved and ordered from BBTS this morning.

:rock Good to hear :clap

Love how everyone is buying this figure now! :lol

Well to be honest, when something this amazing comes along it's just a matter of time imo.

Wmahahaha! They are dropping like flies! You, Voorhees, Hicks, Eamon, (soon to be) gipetto!



:lol:lol:lol Excellent!

Oh and it's officially shipped today :rock
Re: ENTERBAY 1:4 scale Terminator 2 T800

Yep, got mine today & it's a pretty impressive figure. I've managed to futz out the uneven leg issue (not sure how...I did all the tricks mentioned in the thread & by the time I finished it magically fixed itself) & for now I've got him in a "holding the shotgun on watch" pose. Accessories & outfit all very nice. Excellent facial sculpt, as mentioned before the hair could be a little more squared off, but it's the best T2 likeness available right now. Body is well proportioned...although a little "hippy" as it tapers in to the waist a bit too much IMHO, but that can also be futz away with the jacket at the bottom. The sunglass are fragile & mine were kind of bent up a little but they're on there now with some work. I do wish the outfit and the boots had a little more weathering to it...it looks a bit "too new" and fresh. I also wish the joint clicks on the body had finer adjustments on them (specifically the hips) but all in all I like it a lot & it has a commanding presence. I got it from BBTS for $420 shipped and they have sold almost 50 pieces since I ordered mine last Thursday (and only 11 left) so they're going fast if you want one. Looking forward to shooting some pics tomorrow.

Congrats Karnis, and Voorhees I hope it reaches you speedily. Should do.

I just followed Platty's recommendation with the double-sided tape to keep the collar and lapels flat. It works very nicely. Go buy some for your figures chaps.

I still haven't taken any more pics, feeling very lethargic all day today.
Thanks a-dev!

I used some of that poster-tac stuff under the lapels to do the same...tape scares me that it might leave a residue.
Thanks a-dev!

I used some of that poster-tac stuff under the lapels to do the same...tape scares me that it might leave a residue.

Possibly but I'll never be turning the collar up to expose whats underneath. Also I've used tac before and I've seen that leave crap on fabric thats hard to get off.
Could one of you guys help me out please give me the measurements of the base for this guy? Hoping to get one of Coco's shelves for this but he needs the measurements of the base. Thanks for any help!
I'd get some double sided tape for mine but mines pretty perfect now :) It seems to have done it naturally

The stand for him is 7.5 inches by 6 inches if thats what you mean :)
Possibly but I'll never be turning the collar up to expose whats underneath. Also I've used tac before and I've seen that leave crap on fabric thats hard to get off.

It's not the blue kind but a different brand that's not as sticky. I plan on leaving it on a few days to "train" the collar to stay down then I'll take it off.
Some of these pics are a bit samey as what I did before but now I've got the collar and lapels taped down and a large paperclip under the collar.











This is why I think this is THE T2 Arnie, the size of his body to his head, the shape of his shoulders, the jacket, it captures the T2 look perfectly, not too big of a body, no oversized clothing or anything, it just looks great.

And take the rosebox out of his arms here and it would look like when he jumps through the shop window getting up from the T-1000 tossing him.

Beautiful pose, jack :clap

Sean, I couldn't agree more. My favorite pose thus far is the one of him cocking the shotgun, walking over the fallen roses. Can't remember which member it was but it looked awesome.