ENTERBAY 1:4 scale Terminator2 T800

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I think the bulkiness of the jacket has been due to people posing the upper arms in a particular way - rotated so the biceps face into the body and the triceps out and away - that makes the arms of the jacket look puffy. You also need to flatten the collar and lapels. Once you're mindful of these things its really no more bulky relatively speaking than the HT.
Enterbay's official professional shots make it look very bulky. They are nice shots but made it look off to me.

But yeah, I can't wait to have this on my shelf.
Yeah, It is pretty bulky looking if you have the biceps positioned wrong. I can't decide whether or not to exchange my endo arm, what do you guys think?

It has a tiny finger tendon thing missing, a floppy finger and no blood. I'm not sure if I should send it back though even though Enterbay have told me they will replace it for me.
Yeah, It is pretty bulky looking if you have the biceps positioned wrong. I can't decide whether or not to exchange my endo arm, what do you guys think?

It has a tiny finger tendon thing missing, a floppy finger and no blood. I'm not sure if I should send it back though even though Enterbay have told me they will replace it for me.

If they're willing to replace it I say go for it. It seems to be bugging you a bit. Not like you have to send back the entire figure.
I suppose... Just wondering how much it will cost to ship to Hong Kong because I have literally no money...

And what happens if it gets lost in the post? A forever incomplete figure! :(
I presume this is what you would use to calculate shipping.


Assemble your package and the weight will be no more than 100grams...maybe say no more than 150grams, presume it will count as a 'packet' for worst case scenario but you might get away with it as a 'letter' I dunno. Then pick how soon you want it to get there, whether you want to add confirmation of delivery etc. That'll give you the kind of cost it'll be. Bring enough money to cover the worst case scenario and maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised and it'll be less.

As for the fear of it getting lost - can happen but probably won't. I'm actually with you on this one though because the thought of sending off my Cameron Terminator:TSCC headsculpts that I just bought to be painted makes me a bit nervous. I most definitely want them back.
Yeah, It is pretty bulky looking if you have the biceps positioned wrong. I can't decide whether or not to exchange my endo arm, what do you guys think?

It has a tiny finger tendon thing missing, a floppy finger and no blood. I'm not sure if I should send it back though even though Enterbay have told me they will replace it for me.

I suppose... Just wondering how much it will cost to ship to Hong Kong because I have literally no money...

And what happens if it gets lost in the post? A forever incomplete figure! :(

Definitely send it back. No question at all.
It is a single piece. Wrap it in bubble wrap, put it in a little box. Won't be that expensive.

Scan the post office receipt to show Enterbay it was sent just as a little bit of peace of mind on the 1% chance it gets lost.

....or you could politely and professionally reply back to them again and explain that in your financial situation you can't afford to send this back and you would appreciate it if they can take the multiple photos you've sent (and send them again) as final proof that your arm is obviously defective from the factory and needs to be replaced.
They might be nice and just replace.

I had a figure stand I bought from them once that was broken in the box. I cracked it at them and they replaced without me needing to send it back.
Congrats MaulFan, you're going to have a blast taking pics, it may be the one of the single most photogenic figures to date. :yess:
Thanks for the advice guys :)

I'll have a go at explaining my lack of money to them.

You might just get away with it as Enterbay are very customer friendly... but let me tell you something. International shipping isnt as scary as some of you make it out to be. As long as you use your postal services EMS service there is 99% chance of nothing going wrong.

I live in India and recieved all my collectibles via mail. And out Postal Service is the most channelized, organised and distributed service in the world.

Dont worry, just send the mail. As for having no money, save up your lunch money for sometime, EMS isnt that expensive.
These 2 pics actually just made me pull the trigger and purchase this via ebay. Seriously, I saw these and just bought :D ....the last thing I wasn't happy about was the jacket being too bulky. But this looks just perfect.

Got a good deal via ebay. $410 shipped to Australia...pretty good only paying essentially a $10 penalty (as opposed to pre-ordering from enterbay directly) for waiting an extra few months.

Can't wait to see the real leather, steel and wood on this badboy !
lol awesome! yeah the real leather, metal , wood..its all good brother

I think the bulkiness of the jacket has been due to people posing the upper arms in a particular way - rotated so the biceps face into the body and the triceps out and away - that makes the arms of the jacket look puffy. You also need to flatten the collar and lapels. Once you're mindful of these things its really no more bulky relatively speaking than the HT.
bingo a dev! all in those little tweaks that the true beauty shows :yess:

Great stuff drjedisith!
thanks man!