so maulfan? is he sponge worthy?
Oh yes, who's gonna turn down a 1/4 scale T-800, it's tall, it's fun, they're perfect, they're very refreshing

I do want to bring something up though. Now that I have this in hand and can photograph it, something struck me looking back on my shots. Sorry to bring up Hot Toys in here again but there is something I noticed that I think they deserve kudos for. I can't tell the EB figure is 1/4 scale in my photos.
The only significant difference in photos is the depth of field in them, the HT has more blurring because of zooming in where the EB doesn't, but the leather texture, the facial details, I feel like I could show someone these photos and it wouldn't be easy to peg which is bigger, so I appluad that HT could keep the details in line at a smaller scale, that's not easy accomplishment.
If Enterbay continues with the quality and accurracy of this figure through their 1/4 scale line with the characters they've announced, I think this scale will really pay off for them. While 1/4 scale figures don't have a market, Sideshow has established a PF market, same scale, not too significant a price difference, and before recent, a pretty significant difference in final quality. People who are fond of Sideshow PFs will likely look beyond these being action figures and see that the quality they hoped to see in Sideshow PFs is finally being realized. Sideshow did a PF T2 T-800, $300, simplistic paint apps, plastic costume, fixed pose, now for $100 more, you get significantly superior paint apps, real leather costume, and a wide range of pose options.
That said, I don't see 1/4 scale becoming a new 1/6, people won't have space any money to do it, but I do think EB and HT 1/4 scale figures will give Sideshow competition and change their 1/4 game much like the 2 companies impacted Sideshow in 1/6.