Frikking cool breaker!!! Will you be stocking this?
Have quite a few orders already, its going to be a big seller!
anyone catch the first 2 episodes on sky 1, WOW!
OK, I'm getting a few PMs now about this figure from members, especially UK members.
Becuase I like this board so much!!! I'm prepared to give a discount to UK Freaks members (with conditions)
Please PM me again with your emails address and I will reply with discount details.
I can give discount to US members but may work out cheaper if you buy from your domestic dealers!!
Do you have any recommendations for Stateside dealers?
I only know of Red Planet Toys and Vicking Playground, not sure if they will stock the figure.
I'm waiting for final dimensions and weight from Enterbay so I can get price for shipping to th US, we maybe able to work something out for you guys in the US!
Patience is a virtue
Y.K PARK , our Official Figure artist @ ENTERBAY’s office for internal meeting , paint art development for our up coming “24″ Jack Bauer , David Palmer and Marlon Brando as Godfather. We developed exclusively new techniques with Y.J PARK for the paint job which will be applied in all our “REAL MASTERPIECE” series from now on.
The Figure evolution is now begin.
his ears look like dumbo ears from the front..