Enterbay 24 Jack Bauer 1/6th Scale Action Figure

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Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

What action series are you referring to about one man overcoming impossible odds? I'll give you something like The Fugitive--but that was a show based on a premise where the audience knows going in that this will be a show about one man overcoming impossible situations. That, afterall, is indeed the gimmick--while they leave you on a cliff-hanger wondering if the hero will be captured or be killed, you know that that possibility isn't high. The show is called The Fugitive, not The Prisoner.

24 is about counter-terrorism, which to me, already grounds it in reality compared to typical action fare, especially since this series debuted a couple months after 9/11 and has since been significantly influenced by real world events.

I see your point and can't argue against what you want to see. My viewpoint, though, is that while I don't hope to see him die, I cannot pretend that his death wouldn't help the show wouldn't end on a stronger, more believable note and would remain true to what the series has always been about. And I can't believe that, in regards to season seven, that you can infect your main character with a deadly chemical weapon and have that storyline not have dire consequences. Otherwise, it would be a wasted storyline.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

What action series are you referring to about one man overcoming impossible odds? I'll give you something like The Fugitive--but that was a show based on a premise where the audience knows going in that this will be a show about one man overcoming impossible situations. That, afterall, is indeed the gimmick--while they leave you on a cliff-hanger wondering if the hero will be captured or be killed, you know that that possibility isn't high. The show is called The Fugitive, not The Prisoner.

Oh common :lol, I can't believe that we're having this conversation. You mean to tell me that you've never seen (or heard of) Knight Rider, Highlander, Nowhere Man, Magnum PI, Air Wolf etc - those shows were filled with impossible moments. More recently, there's Michael Scofield in Prison Break, and his survival skills are pretty high (being only skilled as a structural engineer).

24 is about counter-terrorism, which to me, already grounds it in reality compared to typical action fare, especially since this series debuted a couple months after 9/11 and has since been significantly influenced by real world events.

Grounds for reality? While 24 was influenced by the events following 9/11, the timeline for the series is very unrealistic and fictional. But, if you are hard-pressed on wanting more reality, then watch the Delta Force documentaries on the Military Channel :lol.

I see your point and can't argue against what you want to see. My viewpoint, though, is that while I don't hope to see him die, I cannot pretend that his death wouldn't help the show wouldn't end on a stronger, more believable note and would remain true to what the series has always been about. And I can't believe that, in regards to season seven, that you can infect your main character with a deadly chemical weapon and have that storyline not have dire consequences. Otherwise, it would be a wasted storyline.

I want Bauer to live, and you want him to die - nothing will change our minds. But, I am certain that more fans of 24 will have my view, in favor of him living.

Just out of curiosity though, if Bauer is to die (God forbid), how would you like him to die?
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Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Just out of curiosity though, if Bauer is to die (God forbid), how would you like him to die?

Walking out in the street in front of a bus.Something very poignant about that I think.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

What do you mean by 'season 8 will start only a few weeks after season 7'? That season 8 will air shortly after season 7 or that season 8 will be set a few weeks after season 7 in the Bauerverse itself?

I doubt they're going to kill Jack - if they do it'll be very season 2 George Mason-esque. Speaking of Mason - we also have Chappelle, michelle Dessler and Bill Buchanon - become head of CTU for any amount of time it seems you're destined to get killed. On second thoughts Jack is definitely going to die! And so will Tony..again.

Season 8 should start about 6 weeks after the events in season 7, in the 24 timeline or Bauerverse as you call it! So we may have a suffering Bauer in that season! Sunny Mercer said there was no cure, and I think the idea of a cure found at the last time to be too unreallistic. However, she also says that Jack is Patient Zero, and some form of immunity is not uncommon in PZs, so maybe Jack will live longer but have some impairments of some kind...
Now, a great ending to the series would be Jack's death (but off screen) to bring him back later in a movie.
Anyway, to the best of my knowledge, Kiefer has signed for 9 seasons and season 8 has been confirmed (and will probably be the last!), so methinks will hear again about Jack for quite some time!!!! :D
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Oh common :lol, I can't believe that we're having this conversation. You mean to tell me that you've never seen (or heard of) Knight Rider, Highlander, Nowhere Man, Magnum PI, Air Wolf etc - those shows were filled with impossible moments. More recently, there's Michael Scofield in Prison Break, and his survival skills are pretty high (being only skilled as a structural engineer).

Grounds for reality? While 24 was influenced by the events following 9/11, the timeline for the series is very unrealistic and fictional. But, if you are hard-pressed on wanting more reality, then watch the Delta Force documentaries on the Military Channel :lol.

Of course I've heard of those programs. Like I've said before, the nature of this show seems to be that almost every major star and co-star of this show has died or been killed. Again, in terms of this reality that this show has already set for itself, to me, Jack Bauer would die once the series concludes.

If the same were true for Schofield on Prison Break--had Sucre, Lincoln, T-Bag, Alex and the entire gang been killed off, it wouldn't be a leap to conclude that the end for Michael COULD be near. And even if it didn't, I'm looking at the context of each show. You look at season 1 of Prison Break, and compare it to the current season--most of the cast is still in tact. Compare season 1 of 24 to season 7--only Jack, Kim, Tony (who did technically die) and Aaron (a great, but very minor character) remain. That should tell you something about the nature of this show--characters rarely get to just walk away. They get killed.

I want Bauer to live, and you want him to die - nothing will change our minds. But, I am certain that more fans of 24 will have my view, in favor of him living.

Incorrect. I want him to live--I root for him every week. But I look at the big picture and the evolution of both the series and the show, too. I think, in terms of the series, his death is almost required.

I am a huge David Palmer fan, as you can see from my avatar. Was I upset that he was killed? Of course, without question. I was both shocked and upset. But, did I also recognize that the series, and in particular season 5, greatly benefited from his death? Absolutely.
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Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

So, let me get this straight. You want Bauer to die in order to add more "integrity" to the show, but you "root for him every week" and want him to live? Yeah, ok, that makes perfect sense :rolleyes:.

Plus, I don't see how Bauer's death can bring "evolution" to the 24 plotline. If Bauer dies, then the series dies with him, thus, there will not be any plot line to evolve!
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Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Walking out in the street in front of a bus.Something very poignant about that I think.

Ha ha... stupid bus drivers :lol! I was thinking about this topic last night, and here are some stuff that I came up with, on how Bauer can die:

-choking to death on a Sonic BLT, with his last words being "dam that's so good!" as he gasps for air
-mercury poisoning from years of wearing a cheap, Chinese made watch
-having a clock tower fall on him (with the time being 12:00)
-slipping on pigeon poop and breaking his head
-being attacked by the 400 pound gorilla from the AXA equity commercials
-appearing on The View, and killing himself on set, in order to escape The View.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Anyways, back on topic, I just found a belt for my Bauer figure, and it looks fantastic. I also found a good USP on Ebay - thanks for the advice, rw!!
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

So, let me get this straight. You want Bauer to die in order to add more "integrity" to the show, but you "root for him every week" and want him to live? Yeah, ok, that makes perfect sense :rolleyes:.

It does make sense. A show or movie can still be great if the hero or protagonist dies. And in some cases, it enhances the quality of the given show or movie. I don't only enjoy something if it ends it the exact, perfect way that I expected.

The Wonder Years isn't any less of a show because Winnie and Kevin--the heart of the entire series--ultimately didn't end up together.

Man on Fire isn't any less enjoyable because John Creasy dies in the end.

Scarface isn't a worse film because Tony Montana dies in a blaze of glory.

As much as "24" pushes the boundaries, I don't expect Bauer to get a tidy conclusion to his storyline.

I've said my peace. Let's move on.
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Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

so has this thread become a 24 spoiler thread now? Some of us who are not in America haven't seen whatever latest episode you're up to.. and haven't seen what you're all talking about! Except now I know what's coming... thanks a bunch.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

I've deleted the worthless bickering - please keep this thread on topic and do not break the board rules about abuse of other members.

I'm sorry UK fans may have been spoiled for some of the seasons. But you should all know that Jack has been dead for a season and a half and the cougar is now head of CTU.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Oh it's not seasons, we're only like an episode or two behind I think. But anyway... I thought the Cougar killed morris, and Kim Bauer was in charge now. huh..... :monkey3

I'm sorry UK fans may have been spoiled for some of the seasons. But you should all know that Jack has been dead for a season and a half and the cougar is now head of CTU.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

I've deleted the worthless bickering - please keep this thread on topic and do not break the board rules about abuse of other members.

I'm sorry UK fans may have been spoiled for some of the seasons. But you should all know that Jack has been dead for a season and a half and the cougar is now head of CTU.

And I've deleted all of my worthless posts leading up to it. I definitely don't want to be another flame argument, such a waste of time :eek:.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Oh it's not seasons, we're only like an episode or two behind I think. But anyway... I thought the Cougar killed morris, and Kim Bauer was in charge now. huh..... :monkey3

If you're only one or two episodes behind, then you haven't been spoiled about anything :rotfl. You're completely safe.

By the way, I love your designs. Do you plan to do any custom stuff for 24? I (as well as many others) would love to see a Tony Almeida figure one of these days.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

If you're only one or two episodes behind, then you haven't been spoiled about anything :rotfl. You're completely safe.

By the way, I love your designs. Do you plan to do any custom stuff for 24? I (as well as many others) would love to see a Tony Almeida figure one of these days.

I think we may be 3 or 4 behind... as we just watched 3 episodes here that we'd recorded, and still we're not up to what people have been talking about here.

As for doing custom stuff, maybe one day... but I've got an 18 month waiting list that I'm making my way through, so I'm not taking on any new painting or sculpting orders or personal projects like a Tony or anything. (as much as i'd LOVE to do one... so many characters that could be done lol)

.....maybe one day I'll get to sculpt a Cougar :monkey3
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Hey guys, I've read through the majority of this thread, but Im still pretty undecided on whether or not I want to spend the 170 for this figure. The last time I bought a 1/6th figure $60 was alot to pay for a figure (I've been out of the loop for a bit), and for me, 170 is mind blowing, especially considering how modest EB was with the accessories.

Now, Im a huge fan of the show, and a fan of Kiefer Sutherland in general, so, for you guys that have the figure in hand, is it truly worth it from a fan's standpoint? I mean, are the issues with the figure really that pressing that they deduct from the over all grandeur? As for the body, is the body more fragile then say, DML bodies?

I really want this figure, and it doesnt seem Ill be able to get a headsculpt alone (I doubt it'll fit most body types anyhow without some sort of modification), but I cant bring myself to get past the price. I'd like your guys opinions, as owners that it.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

I happen to have the Enterbay Jack & love it. Actually it's the only production piece I own that I'm not gonna repaint. I have a custom Season 5 with jacket by edojoe. Should we get a Tony custom thread going?