Enterbay Fist of Fury

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I got mine on Friday and I am just blown away by the whole thing. The box they sent was enormous! Pretty much everything was as fantastic as expected until I hit the blue pants. The leg cuffs were sewn too short and the clasps don't wrap around enough to fasten. I had to use what pathetic sewing ability I possess to fix the issue. Thankfully I didn't butcher the job and I salvaged the second look.

I am very happy I picked up the extra bodies. Displaying the held sculpts together like that makes the entire purchase feel like a much more reasonably priced figure set. The only complaint I have left is that the head sculpt doesn't have a deep enough reservoir for the eyes to position in a full 360 deg. range. I didn't have that problem with the WOTD figure. I don't know what they can possibly do with this line apart from Kato or a scarred ETD figure. The Big Boss comes to mind but I think we have had every iconic release we could possibly want.

I would love to see more Jet Li and I am eagerly anticipating the Jackie Chan. I am really surprised that they decided to do 24, but the initial sculpts are just ridiculously good. It will be interesting to see what look they choose and how they handle the firearms.

Now, let's talk Sonny Chiba...
If you order by the end of December you get the free shipping on the extra bods. After that there's extra shipping to pay.

How do i get the discount? I've added both to my cart (or PayPal cart) and it says $62 shipping (at least i think it's shipping). It was $50 before the extra body. I'm not placing an order for another two weeks (need $$$) but i just wanted to hear how the discount thing works.
you have to order thru there email address.. Its right on there order page for FoF use that email you'll talk to some in preorder proababy kiki.

Mines in canada waiting to clear customs i cant wait to get this FIG!..
Hey Wookielovin, you still after the Jet Li fig? I can PM you a link to one that's going for $150 if you're still interested. I have to go shortly, but I'll PM you when I am back home.
I'm not a Bruce Lee fan - I've seen Enter the Dragon a couple of times at midnight movies and the Batman episode with Green Hornet with Lee as Kato.

But I bought this figure - it's my first Enterbay. Damn you all to hell.
Good stuff. Welcome aboard. Soon you will know why it burns when you pee. Because in hell everything is hot.

Don't forget to order the extra body Dave. It'll be your first two from Enterbay. :D
I'm not a Bruce Lee fan - I've seen Enter the Dragon a couple of times at midnight movies and the Batman episode with Green Hornet with Lee as Kato.

But I bought this figure - it's my first Enterbay. Damn you all to hell.

Welcome to the club dave. haha this will be my first also i broke down finally afterstanding on the sidelines at all the other releases. and with 2 headsclupts eh why not....
Ok i just got mine today.. and its FREAKIN SWEET. the bulid quailty has surpassed any expectation i had.. The body of this fig weights 2X as much as anything else on the market im very impressed. ill get pics up soon of this puppy.
Wow all the reviews for this set sounds amazing. I ordered this set as my very first 1/6 figure (I'm new to this hobby) from HK, and I'm a little worried. The seller said that she opened the package and checked before shipping and the hand is broken so she has to wait for replacement from supplier. Should I be worried? Would the seller have to have broken any factory seals in order to check? Thanks in advance.
What the hell broken hand!? the wirsts dont even have joints? ask for ur money back and order directly from enterbay. unless ur getting a killer deal like 20 shipping id say fook it.

It was 400.00 total from enterbay with an extra body and shipping.
Don't freak the guy out wookielovin. There are some extra sets of hands, and communication from Hong Kong mightn't always be as it is written.

freakface, I am assuming you bought it on ebay. I would let the seller know that you require a weekly update on the situation, and that you will be filing a complaint, within the time frame ebay sets out, should the situation take longer than expected. There are no factory seals, so there isn't a problem there. Maybe if it's not too late, ask for a photo of the said 'damage'.

What is of concern is that the seller is having to go to a supplier. That might also be a translation error. The supplier should, in all probability, be Enterbay themselves. You might want to ask who the supplier is, just to ease your mind. If the response you receive starts getting smelly, just ask for your money back. If you don't get it, you can always file a complaint. Hopefully you will have paid using a credit card through Paypal, so you will be able to get a refund from your credit card provider should paypal let you down.

Again, hopefully, everything is alright and the seller is legit. Better to have the problem dealt with by the seller, than for you to open your parcel and find an item broken. I don't think there's a need to worry just yet, but it's always good to know you have the back up ready to go, should things go array.

It can be stressful making your first figure purchase, particularly one this expensive. I think you'll be okay. No need to be aggressive or smart ass or appear paranoid in your communications. Just let them know you want to keep on top of the situation and you know what's what. Let us know how it goes.
yeah sorry not to freak you out for sure, It just sounds kinda weird. I didnt thing about the translation thingy.. thats a major issue. I would ask to see a photo of what he's talking about, if you need to file a complaint you ahve 45 days. Just make sure if something goes sounds werid between then make sure your covered.
I would respectfully disagree with Creecher, and say that I would simply file a complaint with eBay and Paypal and get my money back asap. The seller might be telling the truth; but filing a complaint will definitely get you your money back.

I've never had a problem with a HK seller, but if I even smell a potential problem, that's it, straight to Paypal - and no second chances!
Yeah, I'd get that dispute fired off as soon as you're anyhere near 40 days, you can always cancel the dispute when the item shows up.
I've been up front with sellers in the past, sent them an email saying I trust them to still deliver, but for my protection I'm starting a claim and I'll cancel it as soon as the deal comes good. Only had to do it in three times in over 200 purchases and everytime I had the goods with me or a refund within a week.
Hey everyone thanks for all the advice! The seller said they have received it and will be shipping tomorrow, and they will do it experss for me to get it by xmas. It sounds cool, so I'm relieved. I'll keep you all posted.

If it's not here close to the 45 days, I'll definitely file a dispute.

Thanks everyone.
Good to hear. Better to freak out now than face the consequences later, but it's all good, and glad your worry has been put out of its misery. Merry Christmas. Bruce kicks ass.
Good to hear. Better to freak out now than face the consequences later, but it's all good, and glad your worry has been put out of its misery. Merry Christmas. Bruce kicks ass.

LOL I totally agree it's better freak out now then when it's too late. Merry Christmas to you too and everyone here at the forum. Bruce Lee DOES kick ass indeed :)