Hey shadowfla, I understand your frustration, and you have all the right to gripe and complaint about a defective figure you've paid good money for. If this was my very first Enterbay purchase, I would've raised hell about it too. But I have been happy with all of my previoius EB purchases, and I decided to give them one free pass on this GOD mess. I am not a fanboy of Enterbay, and I do not have a high tolerance for people wasting my time and money. Oh trust me, if I ever run into this BS QC problem from EB again, I might even consider petitioning for a class actioin lawsuit!
If you have been following this thread, you would know that EB is doing what they can to fix this problem, and as consumers of any industrial product, we deal with it the best way we can by addressing the issue directly to EB and asking for a solution. I do not understand why EB is not responding to your e-mails tho. Every time I e-mailed them with any questions or concerns, I always got replies within 24 hours. Maybe you're writing to the wrong department at EB? I always write to their customer service section at
[email protected]. I hope you can sort out your problem soon. Good luck!