Enterbay Game of Death 1/6 2010

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Some detailed figure body photos by Lane:


A better pic than this would have been an RM-X, a DX-04 and a BL3.5 together. It does show you that the first RM-4 was way too tall though.

yes, the Ani Com at HK, the one with yellow wristband and different eyes direction :lol

btw, what happened with your body Larry? Did they asked you to send the body back to EB?
Ahhh, the EB smiley with the eyes looking in the opposite direction. That is not the 3rd head I was referring too (There is actually 4 head sculpts for this set now :slap ) :D The 3rd head was offered to people who purchased the Beijing Expo version of this set, & I think to other customers who purchased it earlier. I think there were some conditions for customers who purchased it earlier, but I'm not sure what they were. I think you had to purchase it before a certain date, & purchase it from a certain store. Or something like that :dunno

The 3rd head is a different version of the BD head sculpt.

As for the broken body, I didn't send the body back to EB. I sent it back to the person who sold it to me. The leg popped off when I was "playing" with it. I don't think this figure was designed to do the splits :D

not nice larry:( but if it was you:nana:
:lol I was kidding. I don't think it was me :D
Okay… Here we go again... Hehe...

The 3rd. head is an exclusive for the Beijing Exhibition set only, and will only be given to those who bought that particular set - not to anyone who bought the HK set.

I would say there are 5 different heads (so far*) released with this "Game of Death: Behind the Scenes" set:

* Original DB head with Evision eye system - available in the very first release of both the Hong Kong regular release and the Beijing Exhibition release (but taken back)
* New DB head without the EVision eye system, but with recent single/separate eye system - for both the Hong Kong regular and Beijing Exhibition release
* Original Smiling head - both the Hong Kong regular and Beijing Exhibition release
* New Smiling head with eyes changed to another direction - exclusive for the Ani-Com Hong Kong Expo set
* 3rd. head - exclusive for ONLY the Beijing Exhibition set

There are (so far*) three different releases of Enterbay's "Game of Death: Behind the Scenes" set:

* Regular Hong Kong release (first release)
* Exclusive Beijing Exhibition release
* Exclusive Ani-Com Hong Kong Expo release

The reason I mention "(so far*)" is that we do not know if there might be something special for the "delayed September Hong Kong release": If it will have the Original DB head with the fixed/non-crossed EVision eye system, or if it will have the New DB head with the recent single/separate eye system - and if there will be something added. That is to be seen....
...come to think of it, there are more versions with custom painted and alterations: Exclusive Rorywan edition, Exclusive Ahgnus edition (with even more different versions, and most probably more to come....), Exclusive Axe-man edition, Exclusive Arrovve edition, Exclusive Rogerbee edition, Exclusive MrChris edition, etc....

...broken leg edition.....

Okay… Here we go again... Hehe...

The 3rd. head is an exclusive for the Beijing Exhibition set only, and will only be given to those who bought that particular set - not to anyone who bought the HK set.

I would say there are 5 different heads (so far*) released with this "Game of Death: Behind the Scenes" set:

* Original DB head with Evision eye system - available in the very first release of both the Hong Kong regular release and the Beijing Exhibition release (but taken back)
* New DB head without the EVision eye system, but with recent single/separate eye system - for both the Hong Kong regular and Beijing Exhibition release
* Original Smiling head - both the Hong Kong regular and Beijing Exhibition release
* New Smiling head with eyes changed to another direction - exclusive for the Ani-Com Hong Kong Expo set
* 3rd. head - exclusive for ONLY the Beijing Exhibition set

There are (so far*) three different releases of Enterbay's "Game of Death: Behind the Scenes" set:

* Regular Hong Kong release (first release)
* Exclusive Beijing Exhibition release
* Exclusive Ani-Com Hong Kong Expo release

The reason I mention "(so far*)" is that we do not know if there might be something special for the "delayed September Hong Kong release": If it will have the Original DB head with the fixed/non-crossed EVision eye system, or if it will have the New DB head with the recent single/separate eye system - and if there will be something added. That is to be seen....

I would as always like to debunk the fact that the 3rd head is ONLY for the Beijing Expo, as far as it was said, those who recieved the VERY FIRST shipment of figures with the EVision ALL QUALIFY for it... be it HK or BEijing... Thats what was announced... If you want proof Id like to see proof of it being mentioned that the head is ONLY for the The Beijing Expo edition... It was told to be the BD head with painted eyes...
My proof is somewhere buried in the thread and posted by ameuse that EB had announced a third painted eyes DB head as compensation for those affected by the initial batch of EVision eyes
That announcement was taken back - and customers where offered instead to send back the DB head with a damaged EVision eye system to have it fixed. Customers in Hong Kong where even offered a HK$200 Enterbay voucher.
HK$200?? thats a shame! anyway just posting this in other topics, but Im hoping some of you stalwarts here can help me snag a Enterbay EtD verB HEAD and a BL3.5... I HAVE to paint that head... Worst comes to worst Id buy that figure... please find me a seller with a price I can afford... already set aside a big amount for the HT Ex Batman (scalper size amount JUST in case Im not able to get a piece of it from retail)

Help Help EB EtD verB wanted!
The 3rd. head is an exclusive for the Beijing Exhibition set only, and will only be given to those who bought that particular set - not to anyone who bought the HK set.

I would as always like to debunk the fact that the 3rd head is ONLY for the Beijing Expo, as far as it was said, those who recieved the VERY FIRST shipment of figures with the EVision ALL QUALIFY for it... be it HK or BEijing
Sorry GungFu, but I think Axe is right (partially I think :lol ). The peeps who purchased the Beijing sets, all qualify for the 3rd head. Axe says that everybody who ordered from the first shipment also qualify, which I think is partially right. I think if you ordered from the first shipment (not including the Beijing sets), you would only qualify for the 3rd head if you ordered from a particular store (some store in Asia I think, official distributer? I don't know). This store sent messages to their customers saying they would get the free 3rd head & extra body, as compensation for getting crooked eye head sculpts. They later told customers that they made a mistake about the extra body & that they would only get the 3rd head. Or something like that :lol

It's somewhere on this thread :D

You both wrong & I win :winner :lol

...come to think of it, there are more versions with custom painted and alterations:

...broken leg edition.....

Well te drumstick edition is the best edition available at the moment... very exclusive :lol

BUT please help me freaks, EtD ver B PLEASE!
HK$200?? thats a shame! anyway just posting this in other topics, but Im hoping some of you stalwarts here can help me snag a Enterbay EtD verB HEAD and a BL3.5... I HAVE to paint that head... Worst comes to worst Id buy that figure... please find me a seller with a price I can afford... already set aside a big amount for the HT Ex Batman (scalper size amount JUST in case Im not able to get a piece of it from retail)

Help Help EB EtD verB wanted!

Why not just login on Friday and buy him for retail? :dunno

EtD version B buy from the guy selling all his EB BL's in the ForSale section. :wink1:
That announcement was taken back - and customers where offered instead to send back the DB head with a damaged EVision eye system to have it fixed. Customers in Hong Kong where even offered a HK$200 Enterbay voucher.
Really? I remember something about the $200HK voucher, but them telling customers they will be getting a 3rd head & body & then basically saying "Just kidding" you're only getting a $200HK is not cool :slap

