Enterbay Game of Death 1/6 2010

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I saw your thread about wanting to trade your HT DX Ex Etd (dig the initals LOL) for an Enterbay EtD ver.b?
....may I ask why?

Well, the deal is after a long time of haranguing and infighting with my family Im finally leaving country (hopefully by this time next year) I want to take my favourite line of collectibles (Bruce Lee), PLUS I already dont have enough room for what i have. If you notice Im essentially trading the same movie release for an older and 'smaller package version' easy to lug with me and display even in a small space. Also shifting base isnt easy on the pockets too, had to cut down on some of the things I wanted to buy (I have one saving set aside for a grail though :wink1: )

This is the main reason. Im offering trades (plus some money maybe) because (you must have heard it being mentioned a 100 times or so more by me) I dont have a Paypal account, and use friends for all my dealings. More than the money I need to make space and get something smaller and comparably similar in quality to not leave a void atleast. I cannot/never buy multiples or like to keep the same release/license of different companies.

Some might ask why Im not trading FoF as thats a HUGE package... reason: 1. there is no other FoF release 2. The FoF box will be my BL collectibles suitcase, and these guys will go to my new home with me in it.
nice paint job on the face..but bruce YOU NEED A SERIOUS HAIR CUT!!.:)

Yeah ! I agree MrChris.... Geeez... It is not quite Lalla quality standard, but it is a step in the right direction of future figure releases of 1/6 figures with "real looking" hair. Looks like the “creator” has even copied the pictures set up of Lalla….




Btw, I got the Hot Toys Bruce Lee casual belt and casual sunglasses - and it fitted the GOD:BTS Beijing jeans perfectly and the smiling head perfectly !
Sorry, I added some pictures before you posted TFG, but I think that Lalla did an acceptable job, though the hair of Bruce was more fluffy (typical early 70's style).
Sorry, I added some pictures before you posted TFG, but I think that Lalla did an acceptable job, though the hair of Bruce was more fluffy (typical early 70's style).

Yeah, Ive always thought that one was done really well. It still looks strange to me, but I think thats because its on the "cartoon" looking Bruce Lee headsculpt. Im pretty sure if this was done on the newer(more real looking) headsculpts then it would look great and may change my mind on real hair.
I would love to see him do this to new sculpt.
I know what you mean, Lalla's Ip Man was stunning, I think it even won Kitbash Of The Month when posted on OSW.

There's some nice BD on Lalla's GOD though, something I may well copy on mine.
The biggest problem with embedded/rooted hair is making it fall naturally. Very few figures give it that natural look when the hair is rooted the HT Female figures like Black Widow and Sarah Connor, the hair is the most unrealistic part of them. Here however is a great example of rooted hair looking 'real'

Rovojin's David Beckham: (I hate the player, but the figure is impeccable, Rovojin BTW is a part of YJ's team in Enterbay, and has done the Leon headsculpt) The pictures below will show you how well its done.


Like I said rooted hair can make a figure more realistic by miles, but if not, make it look uglier than it should...
Rooted hair can be done right, it takes a massive amount of care and time per figure. To reproduce that quality on a mass scale is extremely unlikely.