Enterbay HD: 1/4 scale Rambo III

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The way Grosby feels about the Rambo sculpt, I feel about the T-800 sculpt. Enterbay's Sly isn't spot-on (as we've established), but it looks much closer to the source material than Arnie did IMHO.
The T800 looks way more accurate when compared to Rambo. Ridiculously so.
I reckon the mentality of Enterbay is that Rambo fans didn't get a figure for a long time and will likely buy whatever we release. Enterbay is taking advantage of our fandom :tap

It'll only work so much, I'm a huge Rambo fan, but if a piece dissatisfies me, I won't buy it, it's not worth wasting money on something for lack of options when it can go towards something I actually really like. Sadly this may not prompt HT to do something if there isn't enough praise of the EB Rambo over their figures. Hopefully there will be enough praise to piss them off and make them do something.
The eyes look plainly terrible to me to the point that the face doesn't even have even a passing resemblance. I can imagine my impression might change after seeing the whole figure, with the body and everything else pointing to it being 'Rambo,' but at the moment I look at the head and I just see some random guy, not just a failed likeness but someone else entirely.

I really cannot understand how people can look at the head picture we've seen so far and say it looks like Rambo, that just baffles me. I think such people would be just as impressed if you showed them a mossy rock with googly eyes and a black rubber band on top, just crazy people I say.

:lol That gif will never get old.

What's amazing to me is how the stupidity bar continues to rise to new heights here. Sometimes I read the opinions here and wonder if there's some secret decoder book that you need as prerequisite to understand the thought processes of others here.
Used on a perfect post too :lol No offence Grosby but to not see Rambo in this sculpt requires very special eyes indeed. Yeah his eyes are off but it's definitely Rambo, imo.
What's amazing to me is how the stupidity bar continues to rise to new heights here. Sometimes I read the opinions here and wonder if there's some secret decoder book that you need as prerequisite to understand the thought processes of others here.

I think some people are exaggerating the degree to which this sculpt is off but if you're saying you think they are stupid for simply being of the opinion that the sculpt is off...well I hope thats not what you're saying.
Not saying people are stupid, but when someone says it doesn't look anything like Stallone lol come on, it does, it just doesn't have that museum quality that the wider eyes adjustment would give it.
Not saying people are stupid, but when someone says it doesn't look anything like Stallone lol come on, it does, it just doesn't have that museum quality that the wider eyes adjustment would give it.

It's not about museum quality, it's about looking like Stallone, those are not his eyes.
Not saying people are stupid, but when someone says it doesn't look anything like Stallone lol come on, it does, it just doesn't have that museum quality that the wider eyes adjustment would give it.

Those are the comments I don't agree with. I think it looks like him in all but the eyes. Problem is Stallone's eyes arguably have a signature uniqueness that you don't see on other people what with that kind of melancholy droopiness to them. EB just gave their figure pretty generic eyes. Although it clearly still looks like Rambo, the eyes being wrong is a big deal regarding the Stallone likeness.
I agree it looks like him in all but the eyes. So therefore it still looks like him. Grosby's post suggested it looked nothing like him which is what I disagree with.
EB just gave their figure pretty generic eyes. Although it clearly still looks like Rambo, the eyes being wrong is a big deal regarding the Stallone likeness.

I don't think they gave him "generic" eyes, those are definitely Stallones. I just think they're a bit undersized.
I agree it looks like him in all but the eyes. So therefore it still looks like him. Grosby's post suggested it looked nothing like him which is what I disagree with.

No, with a couple of the mods people have done, which I believe are just changes to the eyes, it looks absolutely like Stallone to me, which says to me the rest of the face is right enough. And yet, I look at those pictures from EB and I don't see Stallone at all (and flicking back through pages it looks like the majority see it the same way). And I feel certain that if you had that head on a shelf most people coming by wouldn't recognise it's Stallone either.

I don't think Rambo or Stallone ever looked like he was in a hair metal band or something but I look at that head and it honestly just looks to me like some generic guy, as I said, maybe someone I'd see in an 80s music video.


They say the no longer accepting PO for their stuffs, they just release them in the market once they are ready, so when they say that their figures are limited, it really means limited, unlike hot toys :lol

Hold on! Are you saying there are no more pre-orders from Enterbay? That's extreme... I like that! "Buy it now or forever hold your money."
That's unfair for collectors who are not based in the same country as the Enterbay shop.

How can Enterbay then know how many they should ship to foreign-based retailers when there is no
pre-order? And which retailer will get stock and which retailer won't? Is this limited to a certain number then, is that why there's no pre-order anymore?

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Just look like his eyes have narrowed to me....like he is aiming his bow or something.

Sculpt is a definite buy for me .....the visible joints that they are obviously avoiding showing are still a question though....
The T800 looks way more accurate when compared to Rambo. Ridiculously so.

To each their own. I'm aware that most people disagree, I simply don't see Arnie in the original sculpt. There's a bit of a likeness there (especially with the shades on), but overall, it's always looked like a random Austrian dude to me. If you want to talk eye accuracy, those eyes were off. The whole face looked too youthful as well.

That's just me, though. Whatever problems EB had sculpting the first Arnie, they've clearly fixed with the upcoming BD version.
I'm not a die-hard Stallone fan, so when I saw it, I could definitely see the likeness (mostly, I was stunned by the realism), but when I looked at the actual photographs, the eyes aren't as accurate as I had thought. Stallone has eyes that are, shall we say...