It's ridiculous saying that an artist, or companies like HCG/Sideshow don't strive for realism, when in fact they are trying to make a sculpt based on a "
real" person. Most of the statues/figures today are based on real people. So therefore, wouldn't the object be to get the sculpt and paint as realistic as possible? Trying to justify that and say that they instead, try to capture the "spirit" of characters and "maintain" likenesses (whatever that means
) is just laughable. And you said that when they do fail, they plan too!?
And when there pieces don't look as good as other companies, it's because they intended it that way, and that they have different goals.
And if so, what might those goals be?
Just because you're going for a likeness doesn't mean you're going for realism. Likeness just means looking like something. A piece of art doesn't have to look like a living breathing Sylvester Stallone to look like him.
I'll illustrate what I'm getting at.
This artist made a Rambo piece, it looks like Sly, but it doesn't look like a photograph of him.
This one looks almost like a photograph.
Two artist depicting Stallone as Rambo, different styles, different results.
What I'm saying is, I really don't think Sideshow, prior to SDCC 2011, ever showed any effort to create pieces that when photographed, could fool someone into thinking they're looking at a living human being. I think they had a style, it worked, they rolled with it. That style is growing tired of people, now the likes of Hot Toys and Enterbay are setting the bar for what people are after, and Sideshow seems to be working towards catching up, but I don't feel like they failed to create such realism, I really think they weren't after it for a long time, but pieces shown at last year's SDCC show an effort to move towards the HT EB level.
Likewise, I really don't think HCG is out to offer pieces that capture the life-like qualities of HT/EB pieces, they're just producing nicely sculpted pieces that do a good job of depicting characters people really like.
Getting back to what I said earlier, I judge products against the company's style and what they seem to be out to do. If I thought Sideshow was trying to be as lifelike as HT and EB, then I would have probably felt a great dissappointmen with their Rambo, but against some of the other Sideshow pieces I've owned and seen, I thought it was pretty on par with their style and I was happy with it.
Now we've got the EB Rambo. I look at the figures EB is turning out right now in 1/6 and 1/4 and I see them as trying to create extremely lifelike and accurrate figures, so I am critical of Rambo because he falls short of other work EB is doing. Their T2 is an amazing piece, their MIB figures look stunning.
Do I think Rambo is a complete disaster, certainly not, they're making a really nice figure, but compared to what EB's shown itself capable of, I don't think it's their best effort and I do feel like they're capable of an even better Rambo than we've seen.