My Ip Man had tight shoulders, but floppy hips and loose ankles
EB, far out!!! So much to love about this figure, but some frustrating shortcomings. The long robe gives Ip Man a stately presence on the shelf - I've just got him posed next to the wooden dummy and he looks classy. The wooden dummy is beautifully rendered, and the metal plate-magnet sole set-up is a neat feature and really useful for this figure.
But the posing is somewhat limited by that idiot blank stare they gave him. If I was being kind I'd say that it is an appropriate gaze for someone who is working the dummy, like he's focusing just beyond his outstretched fingertips. The likeness falls a bit short for me, though some of this could be due to his expression. And he's too tall out of the box with somewhat of a giraffe neck. The HT TT fixed this issue along with the loose joints.
I didn't get the red hands some got because the dude painting that batch was overzealous with the paint; and I got no rubbed off paint on any part of the HS that some got.
All in all he remains a happy buy that I don't regret one bit - even if it was Ip Man + TT. I have to say that my perception of EB changed after I got this first figure from them. It was my first taste of the proto-to-final product discrepency thing they have going on, and my first taste of their poor handle on QC.
But he does ooze class, so I forgive them, just this once