Enterbay Scarface "War Version"

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Dude they got me lol just tracked today and it states its at the depot awaiting charges... But i will have him today :p
Oh, bummer,

They must have put the full value of the package on the box. I think, if it's over $100, you have to pay VAT.

At least you'll get him anyway
Oh, bummer,

They must have put the full value of the package on the box. I think, if it's over $100, you have to pay VAT.

At least you'll get him anyway

Ye lol £16. But hes sat on my desk right now hahaha well happy!! I have to say its an amazing figure. Im actually glad i chose War over Respect because this expression is badass, looks like hes ready to shoot the first guy he sees. And i just orderd the blitzaway white suit with chair. My best figure to date.
Ye lol £16. But hes sat on my desk right now hahaha well happy!! I have to say its an amazing figure. Im actually glad i chose War over Respect because this expression is badass, looks like hes ready to shoot the first guy he sees. And i just orderd the blitzaway white suit with chair. My best figure to date.

War is a rockstar.... I love that figure, the expression, the suit, the gun... Its just awesome...
War is a rockstar.... I love that figure, the expression, the suit, the gun... Its just awesome...

Ye and i know the m16 is the classic end of movie look, but i had a blitzway carlito brigante beretta just in my drawer and iv posed with the beretta in 1 and and the suitcase of cocaine in the other hand with his shades on in a walking stance. He will be staying in that pose for a long time to come i think... Or atleast until i get the chair and hite blitzway suit i ordered..
Ye and i know the m16 is the classic end of movie look, but i had a blitzway carlito brigante beretta just in my drawer and iv posed with the beretta in 1 and and the suitcase of cocaine in the other hand with his shades on in a walking stance. He will be staying in that pose for a long time to come i think... Or atleast until i get the chair and hite blitzway suit i ordered..

I posed him just like he shld be... Say hello to my lil friend...

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Just a message for you guys who are thinking of getting this figure, please dont think. Just push the buy it now button or add to basket button, whatever way our thinking of getting it and just get it. My jaw drops evrytime i enter my room and see this dude posed on my desk, yes thats right he was so good that the glass cabinet was too low standard. He had to be stood next to my computer where i get to see him everyday with that "im gonna shoot you in the face" expression. Im not botherd whether i get Respect version or not, im just glad i got this one and cant thank Enterbay enough for giving us a killer Scarface sculpt and overall spectacular figure. THANKS ENTERBAY!!!!!!!
Glad it was worth the hassle.

Definitly mate. My only complaint is that why didnt i have it 2 weeks ago so i could have enjoyed it earlier. This is a keeper, my Iron Man collection or bruce lee or predators or avengers can be shuffled about, traded or sold. But this Scarface is gona be part of my permanent collection. Well i lie, im a huge batman fan so my Hot Toys DX12 is a permanent one aswell lol love it!!
Definitly mate. My only complaint is that why didnt i have it 2 weeks ago so i could have enjoyed it earlier. This is a keeper, my Iron Man collection or bruce lee or predators or avengers can be shuffled about, traded or sold. But this Scarface is gona be part of my permanent collection. Well i lie, im a huge batman fan so my Hot Toys DX12 is a permanent one aswell lol love it!!

One of my fav too... The war version is just too good... Awesome work by enterbay