Super Freak
Bull____ box. It's the Begins Batman. That business at the opening of TDK does NOT count.
I have pics in my camera but can't upload them since I'm not about to pay 14.99 a day for internet. The display of rambo and terminator was small. If you didn't look for it you probably won't see it. Sideshow took most of the attention.
SilentSurfer posted a FB link to a zillion pics...
EB HAS to be in these pics somewhere!
there were the eb men in black figs, but no 1/4 batman
Well, folks, here's the packaging:
It seems like, with every new teaser, I'm more tempted by these, but dammit, I just can't bring myself to do it...
How do you know? I didn't see them in those pics?
Okaaayy... why does Enterbay have the TDK box for the Begins suit?
Well, folks, here's the packaging:
It seems like, with every new teaser, I'm more tempted by these, but dammit, I just can't bring myself to do it...
Okaaayy... why does Enterbay have the TDK box for the Begins suit?