Well at least he's not wearing hockey pants
Hockey Pads
Which is it?
Well at least he's not wearing hockey pants
Hockey Pads
It's obvious he's waiting to cash in after this weekend has passed and everyone saw TDKR
That sort of makes me hope this doesn't sell too well for some reason.
I don't understand why he's so proud of the new boxes, look like ____ to me.
Well it sound like he says "hockey pants," but that makes little sense to me, so I assumed he actually was saying "hockey pads," as that is what the fat Bat-wannabe seemed to be wearing.
I don't know if it's because of my continuing Rambo fiasco (I'll change the sig soon), but I'm starting to see everything Bill does in a new light. He's got a big mouth and no way to cash the checks he writes with it. There's no such thing as a perfect company these days, but then again no company is as blatantly full of itself as EB. And for what?
Even before realizing my Rambo was defective and having to deal with their piss-poor CS, certain posts he'd make on Facebook made me cringe. I was excited for their upcoming 1/4 line-up, but the whole thing about "we do not follow, we make our own rules" was a little too much to take seriously. Bill, you're not God's gift to figure-making. The pieces look great on the outside, but your technical abilities are for crap. So is your customer service when buyers kindly and rightfully request that you compensate for it.
It sounds like he's becoming the John Romero of the collectible world.
Huh, I wish. John Romero had 100% solid products when he was in his prime.
And that Daikatana ad wasn't John's idea, so he's still cool in my book. Apparently the marketing guy wanted to do something to promote the game, but with nothing quite ready for that, he decided to promote the game's developers instead. He insisted and goaded Romero into letting him print that ad.
My problem is that Bill seems like the kind of guy who would actually write an ad like that for himself.
____ you, Bill. Seriously