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mfoga said:
Ok now here's the real question would an incestual baby by two Jedis be some sort of super Jedi or would the insest part cancel out the Jedi part and the kid would just be normal or would the kid end up like all other insest babies?

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
mfoga said:
Ok now here's the real question would an incestual baby by two Jedis be some sort of super Jedi or would the insest part cancel out the Jedi part and the kid would just be normal or would the kid end up like all other insest babies?

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl


Dr_Zaius said:
In Jedi, Luke asks Lea if she remembered her mother, her real mother. She said yes but she died when she was very young. HOW???? Lea never knew her mother.

Is it possible that her adopted mother (Mrs. Organa) died young, and maybe it's her that she remembers?

Bannister said:
:lol :lol :lol
I am not saying your explanation doesn't make sense. I am saying you are giving Lucas too much credit. I don't believe for one second back when he was filming Star Wars in 76/77 that he was telling Alec Guinness that he needed to act a certain way in all his scenes because 30 years prior his character knew R2-D2 and had all sorts of adventures with him in the good old days of the Old Republic, yet he couldn't act like he knew R2 because he didn't want to freak out the poor old farm boy. Hell, if it was all planned out don't you think he would have at least told Luke that Leia was his sister to save him the embarassment of ogling her when he was watching R2's message for help. Of course that can be explained too, in that maybe in the Star Wars universe, incest wasn't frowned upon, so Obi Wan didn't think it was a big deal.:D


Nice one, and eeeewwwww... :lol

I can't answer to Lucas's direction of Alec Guinness, I'm VERY sorry to say. (Wish I'd been there. Man...) But, in the course of my thoughts about the series, I've been really amazed at how easy it has been for me to explain several things. I'd like to believe that Lucas knew what he was doing. Because the alternative -- that he's quite simply the luckiest blundering geek on the planet -- is amazing and somewhat horrifying, and might go a long way toward proving the existence of divine influence. In short, the Force was with him. ;)

I'm not one of those people who thinks that Lucas is without flaw. He can't write dialogue. He's awkward with character interaction. And his use of comic relief is questionable at best.

But there's no denying that, in the things he does well, he's at the top of the game. And Star Wars, in all its epic immensity, is something that Lucas does well. Given his meticulous attention to detail, I can't believe that he wouldn't catch even the most remote inconsistency and find some way to counter it. He may not counter it in a way that you or I or any other fan would prefer. But I'm okay with that. It's his saga.

What I'm suggesting is, Lucas likely wrote himself into a corner a time or two, sure. But I've no doubt that he saw those corners for what they were, and deftly found ways to write himself out of them.
scriff said:
Is it possible that her adopted mother (Mrs. Organa) died young, and maybe it's her that she remembers?


Nope. Luke asks Leia if she has memories specifically about her "real mother"... :lecture
pixletwin said:
Nope. Luke asks Leia if she has memories specifically about her "real mother"... :lecture
Doesn't it help that Bail would have knew her mother from the senate. I think bail could have told her about her mother, no details just little things. We know Owen was not wasn't telling Luke much of anything.
mfoga said:
Doesn't it help that Bail would have knew her mother from the senate. I think bail could have told her about her mother, no details just little things. We know Owen was not wasn't telling Luke much of anything.

Thats possible. By Luke and Leias exchange in ROTJ we know she was aware that she was adopted. Its not such a leap of faith to assume she asked her adopted parents if they knew her real parents. They definitely could have touched on Padme.
pixletwin said:
They definitely could have touched on Padme.

I'd like to touch on Padme :) I mean...errr....

So as for whether the lining up of actions in ANH were intentional based on the back story that would be the PT, I don't think Lucas had anything in mind going on like that when he made ANH, in fact, I'm not even sure ANH would be the same if he knew he'd be able to make the other films. Don't forget, when he made ANH, it was called Star Wars with an expectation it wouldn't succeed and his story would end their, which is why I think they had the celebratory ending, the Death Star probably would have still ben destroyed, but perhaps that huge fleet of Star Destroyers would be with it and you'd see the Rebels driven from Yavin like on Hoth. The only way I see intent playing into the matching of PT events to ANH and other OT moments is a reverse where Lucas wrote PT moments and directed situations to fit with OT moments, and he obviously did that for major points, but subtle things were either incidental or planned for the PT, but with the OT, all of the interviews I've ever seen, it sounded like the only back story Lucas really had was the relationships of Luke, Leia, Obi-Wan and Vader when he started, then the rest developed as the films took off.
Monk said:

Nice one, and eeeewwwww... :lol

I can't answer to Lucas's direction of Alec Guinness, I'm VERY sorry to say. (Wish I'd been there. Man...) But, in the course of my thoughts about the series, I've been really amazed at how easy it has been for me to explain several things. I'd like to believe that Lucas knew what he was doing. Because the alternative -- that he's quite simply the luckiest blundering geek on the planet -- is amazing and somewhat horrifying, and might go a long way toward proving the existence of divine influence. In short, the Force was with him. ;)

I'm not one of those people who thinks that Lucas is without flaw. He can't write dialogue. He's awkward with character interaction. And his use of comic relief is questionable at best.

But there's no denying that, in the things he does well, he's at the top of the game. And Star Wars, in all its epic immensity, is something that Lucas does well. Given his meticulous attention to detail, I can't believe that he wouldn't catch even the most remote inconsistency and find some way to counter it. He may not counter it in a way that you or I or any other fan would prefer. But I'm okay with that. It's his saga.

What I'm suggesting is, Lucas likely wrote himself into a corner a time or two, sure. But I've no doubt that he saw those corners for what they were, and deftly found ways to write himself out of them.
Monk said:
Given his meticulous attention to detail

I find it arguable how good he is at spotting detail. He seems to be heavily involved in the editing and everything, and perhaps it was with intent for who knows why, but blatant details deffinately slip under the radar with him sometimes, such as many points in the ANH Obi-Vader duel where the film frames are reveresed, not just the Vader that everyone points out in magazines and such, but even shots of Obi-Wan you can tell he's reversed, and I had really hoped Boba Fett would get fixed in ROTJ for the super special edition dvds, it bugs the ever living out of me seeing his radar on the wrong side and the whole thing, some things look ok in reverse image, but others don't and Boba just looks way off, and for that matter, I don't understand why when Bib presses Leia against Jabba on the sail barge, the close up shot of him talking is reversed, I know it makes it look like they just zoomed in from the wider angle, but it would have been fine to cut to a new angle, flip it around GL.