EU Wharehouse closing?

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You guys should try as their prices are really good and they ship anywhere in the world. Their shipping costs are very reasonable.

It might be an alternative. The guys are really good to deal with also
Cheers :D

my friend ,the problem is to find a shop with the exclusives!!!thanks for the site,though!!
Just trying to help :D The guys are really good and I'm sure if you contact them in time they can get what you are looking for. I looked for a CM T-800 for a while and couldnt find one anywhere but they had one that was in their warehouse but was not advertised on their website and I got it for a decent price. I hope this issue gets resolved as I have had to cancel a couple of things from sideshow as they were shipping from the US. Cheers :D
I feel defrauded. What can I do with my deposit and my flex payments of the Darth Vader 1:1 Bust? I paid the deposit and three parcial payments!!!

How much would be the final price for a item valued at $1300???

I feel deceived!

The Darth Vader Life-Size bust was never scheduled to be delivered via the EU warehouse. All 'oversize' items were never able to ship via the EU warehouse, as they do not have the capabilities to handle the large items. This has always been the policy - oversize items ship from the U.S. warehouse. If you look at the product page for the Darth Vader bust, you will see a yellow box on the RIGHT side of the page that signifies that it's oversized and there will be flat rate/discounted shipping for International collectors:

BUT if you would still like to cancel your FLEX items due to this change (although it won't affect the Darth Vader bust, as it has always been designated as shipping directly from the U.S. warehouse), you will not be charged the cancellation fee and all of your money will be refunded. Instructions:

If you choose to cancel your FLEXpay items because of our warehouse changes, then no cancellation fee will be charged and your monies will be refunded back to you in US funds. You can cancel your order online or have us do it for you. If you would like us to do it for you, please e-mail our Customer Service department ([email protected]) with the order number and item number and include the change of EU warehouse as the reason for canceling. If you have already canceled your FLEXPay order online, please indicate that in the email.
Please see our refund policy here:
dusty,will you have a calculator for the new shipping rates??
why dont you ship via usps???if you ship via usps we will pay lower import fees...
The Darth Vader Life-Size bust was never scheduled to be delivered via the EU warehouse. All 'oversize' items were never able to ship via the EU warehouse, as they do not have the capabilities to handle the large items. This has always been the policy - oversize items ship from the U.S. warehouse. If you look at the product page for the Darth Vader bust, you will see a yellow box on the RIGHT side of the page that signifies that it's oversized and there will be flat rate/discounted shipping for International collectors:

BUT if you would still like to cancel your FLEX items due to this change (although it won't affect the Darth Vader bust, as it has always been designated as shipping directly from the U.S. warehouse), you will not be charged the cancellation fee and all of your money will be refunded. Instructions:

If you choose to cancel your FLEXpay items because of our warehouse changes, then no cancellation fee will be charged and your monies will be refunded back to you in US funds. You can cancel your order online or have us do it for you. If you would like us to do it for you, please e-mail our Customer Service department ([email protected]) with the order number and item number and include the change of EU warehouse as the reason for canceling. If you have already canceled your FLEXPay order online, please indicate that in the email.
Please see our refund policy here:

Thanks. I'll cancel all my pre-orders, I suppose that many customers from EU will do the same.
dusty,will you have a calculator for the new shipping rates??
why dont you ship via usps???if you ship via usps we will pay lower import fees...


Well, I hope that Sideshow will post the new shipping rates. Let's wait...
dusty,will you have a calculator for the new shipping rates??
why dont you ship via usps???if you ship via usps we will pay lower import fees...

United States Post Office won't ship big boxes internationally,I tried before.

FeDex/UPS will but for 5 times more.
dusty,will you have a calculator for the new shipping rates??
why dont you ship via usps???if you ship via usps we will pay lower import fees...

Since most of our items are pre-orders for early prototypes, the box size is not 100% decided at the time pre-orders are placed, so it is impossible to give a 100% accurate shipping quote at that time. Which is one of the reasons we allow our collectors to cancel pre-orders with no penalty - if your final shipping cost on your invoice is too hefty due to the final size of the box, you can always cancel.

Thus, we do not have International shipping calculators on our site, as it would confuse the issue and provide false information based on estimates rather than actual sizes. But, as your item gets closer to shipping (for instance, when you receive the 'estimated arrival' email), you can call or email Customer Service for a shipping quote, instead of waiting until the final invoice is sent. We will also be providing some examples of 'before' and 'after' shipping for EU collectors in the statement on our site later today and more is planned for after the transition, in January.

As for USPS, they are perfectly fine for shipping small quantities (individual packages, maybe 10-20 at a time), but they are not equipped to handle shipments in the volume that we deal with (either internationally or domestically). Plus, tracking and reimbursement/claims are very inefficient with them.
dusty,what about flexpay items??can we learn the shipping cost before the first payment???also,will the shipping costs increase??in a previous post you said it will be lower....
Dusty will SS admit this is not for the good of EU collectors? How could it be? Maybe SS thinks it can survive without EU collectors which it is entitled to do but I have to say it's extremely disappointing having collected your product for years I feel let down.
dusty,what about flexpay items??can we learn the shipping cost before the first payment???also,will the shipping costs increase??in a previous post you said it will be lower....

THe direct shipping rates are definitely lower than before, across the board internationally and EU - examples will be given for EU customers later today. But if you decide you can't swing the VAT/fees on delivery, that's why you can always cancel PRIOR to shipment. Once it's shipped, VAT/fees are (and always have been) the collector's responsibility. That has not changed.

As for FLEX, I believe that shipping cost for international collectors is a valid reason for canceling. If you send a nice email to customer service detailing your case and the reasons why you are canceling, they will review it.
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Dusty will SS admit this is not for the good of EU collectors? How could it be? Maybe SS thinks it can survive without EU collectors which it is entitled to do but I have to say it's extremely disappointing having collected your product for years I feel let down.

We honestly believe that it WILL be better. Please allow it to go into effect to make a final judgement. No EU or International customers have received packages via the new method yet. After all the years of dealing with the EU warehouse, we have fielded many many complaints about slowness of delivery, lost packages, damages, and inconvenience, which we believe will all be vastly lowered using a direct shipment method, the same that we employ with all other International collectors.

On the other hand, the main complaint of International (non-EU) collectors is the cost of the shipping fee, which we have very recently aggressively negotiated with FedEx, and they have passed along new ship rates to us... we believe the entire International community will be happy with the new rates. (The other main complaint being customs/taxes, which we cannot do anything about.)
i dont know someone who lost a package...anyway,if this wont work ,will you open the eu warehouse again???
Not many LCS owners are going to stay up during the middle of the night to order an exclusive for someone. Or are there a set number left aside for LCS owners?