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One of the largest rumors that is circulating is that the new iPhone will have a mimic of the new casting for the iPad which means it'll be remarkably thin.

I read one rumor recently that said it might have a curved screen like one of the other smartphones on the market. I hope not. I love the flat look. :panic:
I've enjoyed my Droid 1 for the time I've had it, but it really feels outdated now. I'm waiting until September, when I'm eligible for a new phone, and I'm going to pick up an iPhone 5.

Is that around time 5 should be hitting shelves?
I heard a rumor that it'll be made from ground unicorn horn.

Did you watch any of the videos? It's about augmented reality. The app is just demos you can play with. You really need to experience it to see how cool it is. The Scrawl is my favorite.
Did anyones iphone4 have a rattle when you shake it? I just had mines for a week and exchanged it yesterday for a new one. There is no problem but just a little rattle. Just wanted to give a heads up if anyone is buying one, check it before you buy it.
Looks like iPhone 5 will finally be unveiled and made official on Tuesday October 4. :banana

Apple's Next Event to Be Held on October 4, Starring Its New CEO

Tuesday, October 4.

That’s the day Apple is currently expected to hold its next big media event, according to sources close to the situation, where the tech giant will unveil the next iteration of its popular iPhone.

While there have been a lot of conflicting reports about the exact timing of the event, including some that pegged it as taking place this month, AllThingsD had previously posted that the rollout of the iPhone 5 would be in October.

While Apple could certainly change its plans anytime, sources said that the October 4 date has been selected by the company to showcase the iPhone 5. Sources added that the plan is now to make the new device available for purchase within a few weeks after the announcement.

And while the iPhone 5 is a much anticipated handset, the event itself has a lot more importance for Apple than many previous ones.

That’s because it will be newly installed CEO Tim Cook’s first big product introduction and the place where the public will get a first lengthy impression of him that may well set the tone for Cook’s new role.

And that’s why, said sources, although he’s never quarterbacked an Apple product announcement before, Cook is certain to preside over the iPhone 5 rollout.

He has to, of course. To pass the presentation on to anyone else — even one of Apple’s key executives such as Phil Schiller, who has handled the Macworld and Worldwide Developers Conference keynotes in 2009 — would undercut Cook’s new role and reinforce public perception that its legendary outgoing CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs is Apple and that it will be a different company without him.

So, like his predecessor and as Jobs’s right-hand man and chosen successor, Cook is expected to be the main presenter at all big Apple media events going forward.

That said, sources said, he’s sure to have help from Apple lieutenants, such as marketing head Schiller, iOS chief Scott Forstall and Eddy Cue, recently named SVP of Internet Software and Services.

Still, the pressure will be on Cook to turn in a good performance at the event, especially after what has so far been a very smooth leadership transition at Apple.

What will be interesting to see, of course, is if Jobs himself will also make an appearance, which is something that is likely to be determined by his health in a decision that will made very close to the event.

And while putting Jobs onstage with Cook could diminish the new leader’s first public effort, what better “one more thing” than Jobs himself making a cameo appearance?

If the latest rumors are true, sounds like it will be. The larger screen and better processor alone would be enough for me.
Looking forward to seeing if there is enough difference for me to get this one.

I don't think this one will have anything huge. Probably a bigger screen and the dual core processor. The next one I will jump on if it has 4G.
I love the look of the 4, so if the 5 doesn't wow me, I'll just get a 4. I currently have the 3GS.
If the latest rumors are true, sounds like it will be. The larger screen and better processor alone would be enough for me.

I don't think this one will have anything huge. Probably a bigger screen and the dual core processor. The next one I will jump on if it has 4G.

I agree, the larger screen and dual core processor are worth the jump. I don't really care about 4G cause it will be forever until it gets to my area.
The bigger deal, imo, is the possibility of a new lower cost model rather than just selling the 4 for less. Especially if it ends up on Virgin Mobile or other pay as you go carriers.

It's all just rumors and speculation though until this ____ gets officially announced.
If the latest rumors are true, sounds like it will be. The larger screen and better processor alone would be enough for me.

Me too. I just got my 4 around November, but Verizon made me an offer that mig be too hard to refuse. So I might be jumping ship from AT& T and going to Verizon in a couple months.
I agree, the larger screen and dual core processor are worth the jump. I don't really care about 4G cause it will be forever until it gets to my area.

The problem I have is that having my iPad 2 now. I hardly use my phone unless I'm making a phone call or playing a quick game. So that type of upgrade (while nice) really doesn't do anything for me.
If the latest rumors are true, sounds like it will be. The larger screen and better processor alone would be enough for me.

I haven't seen a ton of the rumors with this one but if they hold true to those two things I'll lean that way.

I don't think this one will have anything huge. Probably a bigger screen and the dual core processor. The next one I will jump on if it has 4G.

Thats what I'm waiting on if its got those two things and more I'm game if not then I can wait.