Well, it'll be interesting to see the crowds line up again at the stores..... Another 5+ months of lines and impatient people
The problem I have is that having my iPad 2 now. I hardly use my phone unless I'm making a phone call or playing a quick game. So that type of upgrade (while nice) really doesn't do anything for me.
You? Blow a gasket? No!
*sits back and waits for the video of Carl burning his iPhone*
I can see them doing that. I had issues with my iphone 4 took it and they replaced it, then little over a month later same issue took it back in sorry its 1 year and 6 days old sorry cant doing anything for you.All will be known in about 13 hours or so.
I will blow a ____ing gasket if today's rumor is true about Sprint throwing a bunch of $ at Apple for iPhone 5 (redesign, with larger screen) exclusivity while AT&T/Verizon customers get the shaft with only an iPhone 4S option. That would be some kind of B.S., especially to those of us who've had an iPhone since Day 1 and are stuck in contracts on those networks. I can't see Apple screwing over longtime customers like that. But nothing surprises me anymore.
Like I said, we'll know the details shortly. Fingers crossed...
I have a 3GS, so the upgrade is a definite for me.
Pretty disappointing, I'm glad I'm on android