Boba Ben
Super Freak
I prefer Evil Dead 2. This wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen, but I didn't care about anybody or what happened to them. This film needed a memorable character that you could identify with.
Yeah but...the characters were still pretty awful in this movie. It really made me not enjoy the movie as much as most. I had a hard time really giving a ****.
They weren't cliche's, that's a good thing...but they weren't anything either. And that's a bad thing. Bad acting, dull characters equal some what off, and some what uninteresting film.
But not entirely. It was still good. Just not great. Nothing made me hate it, so that's a great thing. And as a die hard Evil Dead fan, it somewhat pleased me.
Still. I prefer the original. They did the best they could with what they had. And I admire it. And it's why I look down at the remake for not at least trying to give them film some actual weight, when they had the tools and resources to do so. There is no excuse.
I think the characters really brought the movie down. But not down enough to where it was annoying or bad.
Also, this is the best show they've ever done. The end is great.
Got to cleanse my palate tonight by seeing EVIL DEAD II in 35mm.
With an opportunity like this, I'm not gonna NOT show a lil Ash.
the thing that makes me laugh about them is that they will review movies and say what is wrong with the movies and with the actors, while creating some of the cheesiest and worst acted online videos ever made. (the ending to this review was just pathetic
And like, some of their own movies they have made are pretty bad too lol.
Got to cleanse my palate tonight by seeing EVIL DEAD II in 35mm.
With an opportunity like this, I'm not gonna NOT show a lil Ash.
Why do you post such stupid ****ing ****? I don't get it. And then when people call you on it, and you act like someone just wrongly attacked you.
Wake up. You act like a ****, you get treated like one. Everything you said is designed to anger me. Your opinion lacks any real rational thought. In fact, I don't think you even understand half the things you see with your eyes. See, what you said is just flat out you not understanding what they're doing. It's not even an opinion. You don't get it. Yet you comment on it. Every single ****ing time.
You'll never change. And that's the sad part.
Just use this gif from now on. It applies to almost all of your posts.
How about you actually think before you say something...hmm? What you said wasn't an opinion. It was a misguided attempt at being a troll.
But I also know that images I see can be processed through my brain in a way I can determine what that person is doing with their work.
Like...oh, say...when someone pays homage to a campy, over acted series of films with crazy on the fly camera work, and often intentional cheap effects to get a laugh for people .....yeah, that's totally not what they were doing. They were actually trying to make a deadly serious horror film. Yep.
Heck, someone doesn't even have to like it...and that's OK too. But watching someone miss the entire ****ing point of something, something so incredibly clear, is just asinine. How the hell can you take that **** seriously?