when you find out who did it, remember to double tap 

Holy ____, thats gotta be more then a car bomb, thats alot of damage.
Ok guys,you can drop the middle east discussion,this has nothing to do with that.
They got the psychopath after the shooting incident,where the number of deaths are now up to 80!!!And this was a youth camp with kids from 14 to 19 years old
The Police searched the area and guess what,they found explosives all around the camp including in his own car.Witnesses say they saw the man with the same description as the shooting incident lurking around the main target before the bomb went off,and right after...The police have not gone in details just yet so this is not confirmed but c'mon.But it all is very clear now,first the bomb went off in the government main building in hope of the prime minister being there,then this summer youth camp hosted by the political party with our prime minister as their leader suffers this massacre,and the guy responsible have bombs in his car plus the ones he planted all around the island.This is not a coincedence.
The police indentified the guy early and right before midnight they went to the appartment registered to his name.
Here is the man responsible for so many deaths,i am so glad they published his name and picture,he will be safer in prison than being a free man that's for sure.
He is a norwegian and all we know right now is that he worked alone.
What a day this has been,thank you all for your thoughts in this sad day for the norwegian people.We have never witnessed anything like it in this country,and i hope such things will never happen again.
Ok guys,you can drop the middle east discussion,this has nothing to do with that.
They got the psychopath after the shooting incident,where the number of deaths are now up to 80!!!And this was a youth camp with kids from 14 to 19 years old
The Police searched the area and guess what,they found explosives all around the camp including in his own car.Witnesses say they saw the man with the same description as the shooting incident lurking around the main target before the bomb went off,and right after...The police have not gone in details just yet so this is not confirmed but c'mon.But it all is very clear now,first the bomb went off in the government main building in hope of the prime minister being there,then this summer youth camp hosted by the political party with our prime minister as their leader suffers this massacre,and the guy responsible have bombs in his car plus the ones he planted all around the island.This is not a coincedence.
The police indentified the guy early and right before midnight they went to the appartment registered to his name.
Here is the man responsible for so many deaths,i am so glad they published his name and picture,he will be safer in prison than being a free man that's for sure.
He is a norwegian and all we know right now is that he worked alone.
What a day this has been,thank you all for your thoughts in this sad day for the norwegian people.We have never witnessed anything like it in this country,and i hope such things will never happen again.
Oh , and tactless, religious posts about the middle east etc, deleted.
I thought Norway had similar gun laws to Sweden were automatic weapons are strictly forbidden, but the news said he had a license for the automatic he used to kill the kids at the camp...
Anyway, ____ing psycho, I hope he get butt raped everyday in jail..