...and yet, despite all of the photographs and video, the conspiracy nutters still manage to feed their delusions through their ignorant interpretation of them:
I don't understand the reason for the name calling (nutters) towards others that have different, some would call "alternative", opinions? Do you feel so overwhelmed by these ideas that the only way to respond is name calling?
Now, I know the belief in religion and the disbelief in government are rather different, but here's the analogy - If someone believes in the Christian religion, shall I go around here and call all of them nutters? No, because that would make me a douche bag and all my comments would get deleted.

I've also been on the CNN and FaceBook website and let me tell that there is a large large number of these people you call nutters not believing the official story and they're not calling anyone names. The only thing they're doing is posting there "alternative" ( I would say there not so alternative anymore) thoughts on the matter and are getting blasted by the mainstreamers with names and GTFO of this country nonsense.

There are people that strongly feel their government is not telling them the truth about a lot of things. These people can't stand the way media runs their organization. They can't stand the fakeness of this MACHINE. If you can stand outside of it all and not see that something strange is going on, then what can I say to you? Nothing.

But I promise I won't call you names. Promise.