That's not the same dude unless sometime between there and dead he managed to get hairier. But even then, I don't see a resemblance between that unfortunate fellow and Tamerlan, except they are both males.
The thing I don't get is if this is truly made up and was faked. Do you really think that many people would be able to keep a secret about this? Thats what I don't get. All these conspiracy theories assume that hundreds of people keep quiet about it all being fake. I was listening to the police scanners for 6-7 hours the night they were after the two suspects. Did they just make up all the radio traffic so incase others were listening? seems like bull**** to me. What would the government get out of faking this whole thing? You would think they would use guns instead of bombs if they were really trying to fake this to help pass certain laws...Someone on my facebook posted a really ****ty article from a "EMT" which I posted the link earlier in the thread. I began to tell him how basically everything the guy said was bull****, but to my surprise I get no response after I prove what I am saying. Also the guy that was stripped naked was let go. He was apparently an early suspect from all the pictures that came up from the marathon. They let him go soon after.
Ok I've been sitting back not really posting much in this thread . This happened close to home (about 25 mins from Boston)
So my local news probably showed things that most of you didn't see or hear .
This is live news i saw as they announced an arrest has been made
Many different local news stations reported suspect caught , an arrest has been made!!!!
There was live news of the federal courthouse in Boston ,saying the suspect was gunna be arraigned , people lined the streets & sidewalks waiting for answers and news , Then suddenly it was said that there was no suspect in custody and no arrests have been made
Again more hours later , they say after an MIT cop was shot and killed
I watched the live news as the whole "Chase into Watertown " unfolded.
I seen with my own 2 eyes , bomber 1 on the ground at gunpoint with his hands out to his side in one newscast , a half hour later they showed a man who looked just like bomber 1 being walked to police car butt asssss naked . They said they made him strip down incase of explosives.
Then........ hours later they said that Bomber 1 was killed by police during a firefight
You guys can say i wear a tinfoil hat and i am a conspiracy nut , whateverNone of this bullcrap makes any sense at all.
I saw what i seen
That's not the same dude unless sometime between there and dead he managed to get hairier. But even then, I don't see a resemblance between that unfortunate fellow and Tamerlan, except they are both males.
This is what i saw for real
Both from these were from live news casts
The news cast were do wrong because they were trying to beat each other out that they were using tape of one thing and calling it something else. Every time you turn around they were changing things. It's getting worse and worse. There's no conspiracy, just bad news reporting because they no longer confirm anything first. Just report it and correct it later....and later......and later.
To be clear, the state of Israel partakes in terrorism IMO. But i'm not calling all Israeli's terrorists by any means. I'm sure the majority of them are peace loving people, just like the majority of muslims or any other people.
With respect to where we stand on these issues, it's clear we have quite different opinions which are unlikely to change overnight. I would hope though that you go and visit some of these places (Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan) some day to get some first hand perspective. Heck i'll even host you in Pakistan if you wanted to come.
I thought they said that these were just random people out that night that got caught up in it all.
The top pic is clearly a lot lighter skin tone and the hair isn't nearly the same.
I think we all should go listen to The Beatles and chill.
That's because the victims deserve some reverence and respect. The others do not.
The pic is blue , theres lots of lights shining on him , UV lights from AR's , kinda like black lights ,
That's why his hair looks lighter.
And responce to less chest hair , come on the pic is grainy and far away , you think his chest sould look black like a dogs fur??
Can't, Paul is dead!![]()
It's amazing how conditioned folks are. Especially the US public. I don't pretend to know all whats going on with this one, but the Gov't is never, ever up to any good. For you or for me.
I mean people still think guys with box cutters flew planes into the TT. Oh and Oswald killed Kennedy.
It's amazing how conditioned folks are. Especially the US public. I don't pretend to know all whats going on with this one, but the Gov't is never, ever up to any good. For you or for me.
I mean people still think guys with box cutters flew planes into the TT. Oh and Oswald killed Kennedy.
The fact that you continuously post multiple times like 20 mins apart basically talking to yourself doesn't help bring anyone onto your side, it makes you seem really desperate and silly.
The only thing that bothers me about all this and did right from the moment I saw it was the door to door search with no warrants. It's one thing if the civilians willingly agree, another to be removed from your home at gunpoint. That to me looked more like the Government capitalizing on a real tragedy to practice door to door searches to take guns. I've never been a conspiracy theorist in any capacity but I'll be the first to say if that day comes, I will defend myself and my home against any cop if it means death or not.