But leaks DO occur. Real ones, not conspiracy theories.
Anything involving the deliberate murder/targeting of American citizens on the scale you're talking about would come out in the open, period. I'm not saying every single person would talk, but for the vast majority, there would be a moral and ethical obligation to do so.
There are more nuts in here than a can of planters.![]()
I don't know Josh, you're the one with 66,000 posts...![]()
What does that have to do with anything?![]()
Yeah, that's what I said about the being nuts comments.
It's amazing how conditioned folks are. Especially the US public. I don't pretend to know all whats going on with this one, but the Gov't is never, ever up to any good. For you or for me.
I mean people still think guys with box cutters flew planes into the TT. Oh and Oswald killed Kennedy.
Don't hate on me for trying get my post count up buddy.
And yes, the door to door search is the scariest part. Call me crazy, but it looked like a scene right out of Nazi germany.
Duck is absolutely right.
Chaver, you're talking out of your a$$ here. Some of us actually have experience with this sort of thing. These hundreds - actually thousands - of people who would have access to this inormation aren't a bunch of mindless automatons or machiavellian schemers. They are PEOPLE who swore an oath to defend and protect their country, its Constitution and its people. None of them would tolerate what you seem to be suggesting.
I'm sure you'll just dismiss this as me being "naive", but like I said, some of us have more experience than you might believe...
How you can lump conspiracy-theorist paranoia and american rights together is pretty damn scary. Last time I checked we were a free nation. People died for our freedoms.
If you would feel great about having guns pointed at your face and family good on you I guess. I know how I would feel about it, and it certainly isn't patriotic. I also would know if someone was in my home that wasn't supposed to be there. And before anyone argues for the possibility that I may not have noticed that simply is not possible. I have two dogs that don't miss a beat.
No. That's not what you said.
You said "I don't know Josh, you're the one with 66,000 posts..."
When you're talking conspiracies and whatnot there doesn't seem to be a lot of room for honest debate, because to some these feelings are akin to religious beliefs about the nature of things and how the world works. But my general comment here is--being skeptical is a good thing, but I think we can go a bit too far if we don't keep a check on ourselves. Particularly those among us who are looking for ways to make reality fit in with some ideology we hold, rather than having your understanding of the world be defined by what you can observe. Governments withhold things from people. They think it's necessary in some instances, and in some instances I would probably agree with them. But from this starting point, I think folks can really start going to extremes based on pure conjecture and an attempt to make the world work they way they want or fear it to be if they don't stop and really analyze their train of thought every now and again. I'm not trying to argue with anyone about this, but these are my feelings about many conspiracy theories.
Really? I think Many of our political "leaders" and Military/Officers have forgotten that they swore an Oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.
All I see...
... are political leaders breaking their Oaths and doing whatever they damn please.Look at the constant Gun Control attacks/Bill on our 2nd Ammendment? what do these idiots not understand in the 2nd Ammendment? "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"
But the problem is that all humans have a natural tendency to filter information through biased lenses. Be they religious, political, self-interest-based, emotional, etc. So 10 guys will be looking at the same thing with the same information and may represent it 4 or 5 completely different ways. It takes critical self-awareness to even begin to overcome this problem. "Objective reality" is not as easy a concept to ascertain as it seems like it should be. It's easy to fall into logical fallacies and wishful thinking scenarios once you've become accustomed to expecting the world to behave in a certain way.Very good point.
Base your assessments on facts and reason and you'll not go far wrong, but don't just come up with a conclusion and cherry pick the bits of information to support it.
How many political leaders and military officers to you know?
... in the media... (and by that I mean both news and entertainment, and especially those that mix!)
Not really a fair example, because everyone involved in that debate - both Republican and Democrat - draws the line somewhere. Strictly word for word, the Second Amendment means you can own a nuclear warhead.![]()
Yep! It was a "soon to come" Martial Law exercise
Police dont have the right to force you out of your house and search it with out probable cause and a warrant. It is called due process. This is precisely why the founders put the 4th amendment in the Constitution. It doesnt matter what the circumstances are.
This is just the beginning
I ask in this thread again. Where is the proof that they had no warrant?
Irony abounds in some posts here given certain other things that I can't bring up.